FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Hills])
NO. APPEARING: 2-12 (or 5-50)
MOVE: 6" (or 12" leap)
HIT DICE: 1/2+1 (2-5 hit points)
% IN LAIR: 10%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 or 2
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type
INTELLIGENCE: Low to average
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (good)
SIZE: S (1 1/2' tall)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: II | 50 + 1

The leaping grigs appear to be some form of sprite. Found only in sylvan
woodlands and meadows, these creatures are shy of strangers but
otherwise good-natured and friendly. They are nocturnal and in most
instances are encountered in a glen. There with 1 or, possibly, several
other bands of grigs or a tribe of atomies (q.v.) or both, they will meet to
play and dance in the moonlight. There is a 30% probability for other
grigs or atomies to be there: 1-1 5 = 5-50 grigs, 16-25 = 2-1 2 grigs and
30-1 20 atomies, and 26-30 = 5-50 grigs and 30-1 20 atomies. One or
more of the grigs will play bowed instruments while others enjoy circle
dances and other pastimes.

The grigs’ high AC is due to their size, dexterity, and leaping
ability. Their legs are more like a cricket’s or grasshopper’s than a
sprite’s, and these limbsgive thegrigsthe abilityto leap long distances,
assisted by their small, gauze-like wings. Attack is made only upon evil
enemies or those who molest the grigs. It is typically a combination of
missile release and melee. Due to their skill and dexterity, grigs attackat
+2 to hit when hurling missiles. Each grig carries at least 6 small darts.
These they hurl during their hopping flight. Then they alight and thrust
needle-like daggers. Their small darts are equal to large ones when used
by the grigs, but when used by others, theseweapons cause but 1 point
of damage. Similarly, the grig dagger is but a knife save in the hands of
grigs where it inflicts damage equal to a short sword.

Grigs have the following spell-like powers which they can employ at
will, 1 at a time, 1 per round: change self, entangle, invisibility, pyrotechnics,
trip, and ventriloquism. These magical powers are used at 6th
level of ability.

The grigs enjoy using the dweomers for jolly fun as well as for self-protection,
and many are the practical jokes reported from encounters
with these creatures.

They have hearing equal to double human norm, infravision to 180 feet.
and ultravision.

In addition to their own tongue, grigs speak Atomie, Brownie, Pixie, and
Sprite. Of course, they speak Common as well if they choose to slow
their speech and pitch it downwards in scale.

Fiddler Grig: Grig fiddlers are 25% likely to be able to play a tune the effect of which
equals that of the magic-user spell Otto’s Irresistible Dance. A saving
throw vs. spell is applicable to all within a 30-foot radius of the playing
grig. Failure means the victim must dance until the grig ceases playing
or the victim drops of exhaustion. Grigs can play for hours. Grigs are
90% likely to surprise and only 10% likely to themselves be surprised.