YOCHLOL (Handmaiden of Lolth)

FREQUENCY: Common (very rare)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VIII])

NO. APPEARING: 1-4 (1)
ARMOR CLASS: -10 or 10
MOVE: 12"
HIT DICE: 6 (1d10)
% IN LAIR: 0%
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
    Attack/Defense Modes: C, D / F, H
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII | 1275 + 10

<make 3 sub-statblocks, each at 10 point?>

The yochlol normally have no discernable form at all,
being misty columns of gas which materialize pseudopods as needed.
They are noticeable only by their vile odors and a hazy smudge in the air.
While Common in [The Abyss],
they are Very Rare elsewhere. <slight variation in capitalization>
If they do not take mates, yochlol have an effective armor class <AC> of -10.
Yochlol are a type of [demon] and are affected by such things as affect demons.

It is not possible for these handmaidens to remain immaterial and attack physically,
although when gaseous their touch gives an effect equal to a [stinking cloud] spell.
A yochlol must materialize (thus becoming armor class 10) to do physical damage.
The form taken can be an amorphous column with 8 pseudopods,
the form of a [giant spider],
or that of a beautiful human or elf. <make links>
In humanoid form, a yochlol can use its psionic abilities (plus other abilities only available in this form, such as weapon attacks.) as if it were a 6th level fighter.
<provide THACO info, proficiency info, specialization, etc.>
In spider form, it conforms in all but armor class <AC> (10) and psionics to the specifications of a [giant spider].
In its natural amorphous form,
it can use psionics or attack with its 8 pseudopods,
1 blow from which does 5-8 <(2-5 + 1 + 3)> points of damage,
as the strenght of a yochlol is effectively equal to 18/50. <make link>

Several special effects apply to a yochlol in gaseous form. <link?>
In this condition,
only a +1 or better weapon can hit it.
A [stinking cloud] spell will heal it for 3-12 points.
A [gust of wind] spell will cause 6-36 points of damage. <check if this applies to gaseous form in general>
A [wind walk] spell will destroy one yochlol (checking its magic resistance is not necessary);
if the cleric would normally be able to take 2 other persons into the spell effect,
then 2 yochlol may be destroyed.
In either case,
the cleric must touch the victims for the spell to take effect.

A yochlol may change from one form to another in a single round.
a gaseous yochlol can materialize during the same round as its [stinking cloud] attack,
and attack again (in a manner applicable to its new form) at the end of the same round.
a yochlol in its amorphous form could use multiple attacks,
then turn to spider form at the end of the round so as to climb into webs for its next round's escape.

Psionic disciplines possible to yochlol are [cell adjustment] (only in humanoid form),
[aura alteration],
and [probability travel].
When in humanoid form,
a yochlol is able to use with equal ease,
weapons and armor normally usable by clerics and fighters. <1. & clerics? isn't that redundant? 2. slight grammer error?>
Armor may likewise be used,
but doing do will force the yochlol to become gaseous before changing to spider or amorphous form,
as the armor worn would cause bodily harm to either of these forms. <what about the armor damage table in the DMG?>