
L^: c1
R#: T
D^: Special
C^: v.s
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: The circle of clerics

Effect: This spell enables three <3> to five <5> clerics to combine their abilities and thereby empower one <1> of their number <(#)> to CAST a spell or TURN undead with greater efficacy.

The highest-level cleric of the group (or one <1> of such, as applicable) stands,
while the other clerics join hands in a surrounding circle.
All the participating clerics then cast the combine spell together.

The central cleric temporarily functions as if of higher level,
gaining one <1> level for each encircling cleric.
The maximum gain is four <4> levels and the maximum duration is 3 turns.
The increase applies to the cleric's effective level for determining the results of attempts to turn undead,
and to spell details which vary by the level of the caster.
The encircling clerics must concentrate on maintaining the combine effect.
They gain no armor class bonuses from shield or dexterity,
and their attackers gain a +4 bonus on all "to hit" rolls.
The central cleric gains no additional spells,
but may cast any previously memorized spell(s),
often with bonus effects.

        - by Lenard Lakofka, from Beefing Up The Cleric (Dragon #58)