
L^: c2, sh2
R#: 3"
D^: S
C^: v.s
CT: 1r
S^: Neg. <(See below)>
A^: 90' radius

Effect: A cleric who uses this spell can [bind] and enthrall an audience that can fully understand his or her language.

Listeners of the same race as the cleric are allowed a save  vs. spell;
those of a different race which is generally unfriendly to the cleric's race save at +4.

It is impossible to enthrall a character or creature with more than 4 levels or HD, or one with a [wisdom] score greater than 15.
<link: (If the monster's [intelligence] is Very or greater, see PSIONIC COMBAT NOTES, to determine if the monster's [wisdom] score is greater than 15.)>

To effect the spell, the caster must speak without interruption for a full round.
Thereafter, the enchantment lasts for as long as the cleric keeps speaking,
to a maximum of 6 turns. Those who fail their save will view the cleric
as if he or she had a charisma of 21 (loyalty base  +70%, reaction adjustment  +50%).
They will stand and listen to the cleric's words, but will not act on them as if a [suggestion] had been CAST.
When the cleric stops talking, the spell is broken and the
listeners regain control of their own minds. Any form of attack (i.e., a
successful hit or the casting of a spell) against the cleric will instantly
cancel the enthrall spell, as will any attempt by the cleric to CAST a different
spell or perform some other action. Members of the audience
who make a successful save will view the cleric as having a
charisma of 3; they may (50% chance) hoot and jeer, allowing a new
save for other listening. If the cleric tries to TAKE undue advantage
of the spell by preaching about a religion or alignment opposed
to that to which the members of the audience subscribe, each
"offended" listener is allowed a new saving throw at +5.

Shukenja: A shukenja using this spell may cause a group of people to pay attention to the shukenja and respond positively.
The shukenja must speak uninterrupted for one round, and the listeners must fully understand the
language. They are granted a saving throw, with those of a race unfriendly to the caster saving at + 4. Beings of
greater than 4 hit dice or those with Wisdoms of 15 or better are unaffected. The enthrall lasts for up to six
turns, as long as the shukenja speaks, with those failing to save listening as if the shukenja has a Charisma of
21, and those making a saving throw treating the shukenja as having a Charisma of 3. Any discussion of
politics, religion, or alignment grants a new saving throw at + 5.

        - by Lenard Lakofka, from Beefing Up The Cleric (Dragon #58)
