Meld Into Stone

L^: c3
R#: T
D^: 8r + 1-8 r
C^: v.s.m
CT: 7s
S^: None
A^: Special

Effect: The magic of this spell, when properly cast,
allows the cleric to meld his or her body and possessions worn or carried
into a large stone.

To effect the spell, the cleric stands next to the
stone to be melded into (which must be large enough to accommodate
the cleric’s body in all three dimensions) while holding a small
sample of the same type of stone. When casting is complete, the
cleric and up to 100 pounds of his or her non-living gear blend into the
stone. Magical artifacts and relics are not affected by the spell. If the
dimensions of the stone are not sufficient, or if the cleric is wearing
and carrying more than 100 pounds of gear, the spell will fail and be
wasted. The magic lasts for 9-16 (1d8 + 8) rounds, the variable part of
the duration rolled secretly by the DM. At any time before the duration
expires, the cleric can step out of the stone along the same surface
that he or she used to enter it (i.e., the spell does not allow movement
through the stone such as would a passwall or phase door spell). If the
duration runs out before the cleric exits the stone, then he or she will
be expelled from the stone and take 4-32 (4d8) points of damage -
and each piece of gear affected must save versus petrification or turn
to stone. While in the stone, the cleric is aware of the passage of time;
however, he or she cannot see or hear anything that may be going on
around the stone. The following spells will harm the cleric if cast upon
the stone that he or she is occupying: Stone to flesh will expel the
cleric and inflict 4-32 points of damage, but items carried need not
save. Stone shape will cause 4-16 (4d4) points of damage, but will not
expel the cleric. Transmute rock to mud expels the cleric and will slay
the victim instantly unless he or she makes a successful saving throw
versus spell.

MC: A small sample of the same type of stone.

        - by Lenard Lakofka, from Beefing Up The Cleric (Dragon #58)
