Dust of Illusion


Enc: -
Aura: -
XP: 10/pinch
GP: 100/pinch

This unremarkable powder rather resembles chalk
dust || powdered graphite -- unless it is stared at.

It then becomes
evident that it is something entirely different, for the dust changes
{color} and form under scrutiny.

* A pinch of dust of illusion allows the
creature dusted to appear as any other creature of similar shape, with
a size variance of 50% (plus or minus) from the actual size of the affected

(An unwilling recipient is allowed a saving throw versus
spell to escape the effect.) Thus, a hobbit could appear as a
human of small stature, a human as an ogre, a pegasus as a mule,
etc. The individual who sprinkles the pinch of magical dust must envision
the illusion desired as the powder is shaken over the subject
creature. The illusionary power lasts for 7-12 hours unless otherwise
dispelled. A typical pouch of this dust will contain 11-20 pinches.