(WG: Hobniz)


Hobbits are very much like small humans, thus their name.
?Hobbits are very much like small humans, thus being sometimes referred to as halflings (archaic).>
As PCs, it is assumed that any of the sub-races of the race of halflings
can be considered as that of the halfling character in question.
Complete information on hobbits is found in AD?D, MM.
?trim above.>

Permitted Class Options: A character of the hobbit race can be a fighter, a thief, or a fighter/thief. <revised in UA>
As hobbits are unable to work beyond 6th level as fighters, it is most probable that the character will be a thief or a multi-classed fighter/thief.

Hairfoot (F) Stout (F) Tallfellow (F) Thief
15 4 61 4 5 6 U
16 4 72 4 5 6 U
17 5 93 5 6 7 U
18 6 114 5 6 7 U
18/50 - - 6 7 8 -
18/90 - - 7 8 9 -
19 8 135 8 9 10 U
20 10 135 8 9 10 U

1: CHA  15 also required.
2: CHA  15 also required. If CHA is 16 or greater, the character can attain 8th level.
3: CHA  16 also required. If CHA is 17 or greater, the character can attain 10th level.
4: CHA  17 also required. If CHA is 18 or greater, the character can attain 12th level.
5: CHA  19 also required.

Multi-class Restrictions: In the latter case the character is limited to the armor and weaponry of a
thief whenever any such functions are to be performed during the course
of an adventure. Furthermore, earned experience is always divided
evenly between the two classes, even though the character may no longer
be able to gain additional levels as a fighter.

Saves: All halfling characters have a high resistance to magic spells, so for every
31/2 points of constitution ability the character possesses,
he or she gains a + 1 on saves vs. wands,
staves, rods, and spells.
This converts to the following bonuses for constitution:
    4-6 = + 1,
    7-10 = +2,
    11-13 =+3,
    14-17 = +4, and
    18 = +5.

As halflings also have a similar resistance to poisons of all sorts, they gain
a constitution bonus identical to that for saving throws versus magical
attacks when they make saving throws versus poison, i.e. +1 to +5
depending on constitution score.

Languages: All halfling characters are able to speak the following languages in
addition to mankind's "common tongue" and the alignment language:
dwarven, elven, gnome, goblin, halfling, and orcish.
Halflings with INT above 16 can learn one additional language for every point of intelligence they possess above the 16 minimum,
so at 17 INT the character can learn one additional language, and at 18 intelligence two can be learned.

* Infravision: Certain halfling characters have infravision.
Those with mixed blood are assumed to have infravision which functions up to 30' distant, while those of pure Stoutish blood are able to see heat radiation variation at up to 60'
(normal infravision).

Similarly, halflings of mixed type and those of pure Stoutish blood are able to note if a passage is an up or down grade 75% (d4, 1-3) of the time,
and they can determine direction 50% of the time.
Note that these abilities function only when the character is concentrating on the desired information to the exclusion of all other thought ?? activity.

* Surprise: If alone (or well in advance - 90' or more - of a party which does not
consist entirely of halflings or elves not in metal armor) and not in metal
armor, halfling characters are able to move very silently; thus, if they do
not have to open some form of door or other screen, they will surprise (q.v.)
a monster 66 2/3% (d6, 1-4) of the time. If a door must be opened,
chance for surprise drops to 33 1 /3% (d6, 1-2).

Hobbit characters must accept a penalty of -1 from their initially
generated strength ability score, and they gain a bonus of + 1 on dexterity.

DMG: Hobbits are quite similar to gnomes,
    although they eat more and drink less.
They also are prone to favor natural beauty and the outdoors more than they do their burrows.
They are not forward,
    but they are observant and conversational if in friendly company.
Because they are more open and outgoing than either dwarves or elves,
    they get along with most other races far better than the former two do.
Halflings see wealth as a means of gaining comforts only,
    for they love creature comforts.
If they are not overly brave or ambitious,
    they are generally honest and hard-working when there is need.
Halflings love stories and good jokes and are perhaps a trifle boring at times.

TRAIT \ GENERAL TENDENCIES: perceptive, loquacious*
TRAIT \ INTERESTS: foods & preparation <note: add a few rolls on the food table to the treasure type>

    TRAIT \ BRAVERY (named NPCs): reroll if 4(foolhardy) or 5(fearless). second roll applies.

* Hobbits (friendly+) and copper dragons are special cases, when it comes to TALK.
Extended scripts (eg. Menzoberranzan, BG), instead of the default "1-liners"**, might not be a bad idea.
Weather, how's your Mom, what did you have for breakfast, bits of wisdom, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Think of it like this: how long does your average combat last?
With the hobbits, very mundane, "perhaps a trifle boring".
    ** even that might be too detailed for most monsters. see the notes for TALK templates at Encounter Reactions (D102.8).

if l = l
        speaker(active character) && tone(HAUGHTY(LG), MEEK(), ABUSIVE(), NICE()) && gift(TRADE) =
            result(attack, hostile, neutral.hostile, neutral, neutral.friendly, friendly, helpful)


Halflings are the smallest of the major races, and to see their communities outside some major (and minor) cities, the most numerous (and growing).
They tend to resemble small street urchins, wise beyond their years.
The Halfling of the FR has a light covering of hairy down all over their bodies, which is most noticable on the backs of their hands and tops of their bare feet.
Often their faces are bare, though there are more than a few full-bearded halflings as well.

The Halfling people have a saying: "First there were Dragons, then Dwarves, then Elves, then Men.
Then it's our turn!"
This attitude that all will turn out to their benefit (and be served up to them on a silver platter) is typical of the Halfling mindset; cocksure, confident, and with more than a streak of larceny.

A Halfling's appearance, similar to that of a small human child, belies the fact that this is a race with the same basic needs as any other.
They live in many of the same areas as mankind, and may be considered a competitor.
Yet as opposed to being hostile, Halflings have a smug, far-sighted attitude that these lumbering giants will eventually leave, destroy themselves, or give themselves up, and that which remains will be theirs.

This is not to say that halflings as a race or individuals are evil, for they would do nothing to harm another unless harm had been inflicted on them.
But the tendency to take advantage is strong.
Many a human thieves'-guild has as its master-thief a small child-like creature who can sneak into and out of areas that larger folk cannot manage.

Halflings are delighted by the concept of money, which they consider a human invention which redeems the race.
They enjoy gathering bunches of it, but unlike the dwarves and their ancient hordes, they see no point in keeping it, rather frittering it away on gifts, parties, and purchases.
Money is a way of keeping score on how well you are doing against the lumbering men.

Halflings come in all shades and with the same variety of hair and eye color as men.
They tend to respect their families as groups you do not steal from (though borrowing is permitted), and show a strong loyalty to friends and those who have stood up for them.
There seem to be no racial sub-groups of Halflings, though to the far south there is said to be a nation of the creatures, called Luiren, whose inhabitants have pointy ears. ?>
Considering the fact that most of the dominant races of the Inner Sea have come originally from the South, the idea of a Halfling nation is disturbing in the least.

Hobniz Homelands (Greyhawk)
01-02 Bissel
03-05 Celene
06-07 Dyvers
08-11 Furyondy
12-13 Geoff
14-16 Gran March
17-19 Great Kingdom
20-22 Greyhawk
23-25 Highfolk
26-27 Idee
28-32 Irongate
33-35 Keoland
36-38 Nyrond
39-40 Theocracy of the Pale
41-42 Perrenland
43 Shield Lands
44-45 Spindrift Isles
46-47 Sterich
48-49 Tenh
50-57 County of Ulek
58-60 Principality of Ulek
61-66 County of Urnst
67-74 Duchy of  Urnst
75-76 Veluna
77-83 Wild Coast
84-87 Yeomanry
88 Dreadwood
89-90 Gamboge forest
91-92 Gnarley Forest
93-94 Grandwood Forest
95-96 Vesve Forest
97-00 Welkwood

Hobniz Clothing (Greyhawk):
Gnomes ? halflings dress in a similar fashion, often
replacing their trousers with knee-length britches.
The gnomes favor more stolid colors -- brown
breeks, a tan blouse, green boots and belt, with a dark
brown jacket or coat. A halfling in the same garb
might have a yellow shirt and top off with a cap of
green with a bright yellow feather in it. Both races
will often wear striped clothing. When hunting or at
war, they likewise favor garb of a curiously mottled
sort, with greens and browns intermixed.


    STRENGTH: 6/17
    WISDOM: 3/17
    DEXTERITY: 8/19
    CHARISMA: 3/18
RACISM, Hairfoot (HH): Neutral (duergar, svirfneblin, half-orcs), Tolerant (AG: -5%: hill dwarves, mountain dwarves, gray elves, high elves, valley elves, wild elves, wood elves, surface gnomes, half-elves, humans), Antipathy (L: -5%, AG: -10%: drow), Preferred (L: +20%, AG: +15%: all halflings).
RACISM, Stout (HS):
RACISM, Tallfellow (HT):
STARTING AGE: Druid (40+3d4), Fighter (20+3d4), Thief (40+2d4)
AGE CATEGORIES: Young adult (23-33), Mature (34-68), Middle-aged (69-101), Old (102-144), Venerable (145-199)
HEIGHT, M: 36. 01-10 (-d3), 11-90 (d100, 01-30 = -d3(/2), 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d3(/2)), 91-00 (+d6).
HEIGHT, F: 33. 01-10 (-d3), 11-90 (d100, 01-30 = -d3(/2), 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d3(/2)), 91-00 (+d3).
WEIGHT, M: 60. 01-10 (-2d4), 11-50 (d100, 01-30 = -d4, 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d4), 51-00 (+2d6).
WEIGHT, F: 50. 01-10 (-2d4), 11-50 (d100, 01-30 = -d4, 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d4), 51-00 (+2d4).