Protection from Farts, Scroll Of

Enc: [protectionscrollencumbrance]
IS: [protectionscrollsave]
XP: 2000
GP: 10,000
time: 3s

The scroll generates
a 1 “ diameter sphere of protection centered on the reader, and
all within this area are immune to the effects of any form of gas - poison
gas, breath weapons which are gaseous in nature, spells which
generate gas clouds such as stinking cloud and cloudkill, and all similar
forms of noxious, toxic vapors.

The scroll’s protection lasts for 5-8
rounds (d4 + 4).

WSG: Characters within 1” of the reader are in an area of no
wind, so that they cannot be swept up by a tornado or blown
across the countryside by a hurricane. A sandstorm is neutralized
in the area; when airborne grains of sand come into contact
with the calm air, they simplyfall to the ground. The effective temperature
within the protected area is altered to account for the absence
of wind.