Ring of Clumsiness

Enc: 0.1
IS: -
Aura: See below
XP: --
GP: 3000

This cursed ring typically radiates another
dweomer to disguise its baneful nature.

The possible secondary powers are:
01 - 10 Free action
11 - 20 Feather falling
21 - 35 lnvisibility
36 - 50 Jumping
51 - 60 Swimming
61 -80 Warmth
81 - 00 Water walking

The secondary power works normally, except when the wearer is un-der stress --
combat, stealth, delicate activity - at which time the
clumsiness dweomer takes effect. Dexterity is lowered to half normal,
rounded down. Chances for stealth and precise actions are also lowered
by one-half, rounded down. Any attempt at spell casting that requires
the handling of a material component or the accomplishment
of a somatic component will only succeed if the wearer makes a saving
throw versus spell; otherwise, the spell is botched and annulled.
The ring can only be taken off by a successfully cast dispel magic
spell (vs. 12th-level magic). Success destroys both the primary and
secondary dweomer of the ring.