Ring of Mind Shielding

Enc: 0.1
IS: -
Aura: -
XP: 500
GP: 5000
Magic Items

This form of magic ring is usually of fine
workmanship and wrought from heavy gold.

The wearer is so
shielded as to be completely immune to ESP, detect lie, know alignment,
and telepathic reading of the mind. If the wearer is also possessed
of psionic power, he or she has the benefit of a thought shield
defense at no point cost, and all psionic attack damage suffered by
the wearer is at -2 points while the ring is worn. Furthermore, the
wearer is more capable of dealing with a psionic blast attack, gaining
+ 1 on saving throws versus such attacks if the wearer is not psionically
endowed, or -3 on damage if the wearer does possess psionics.