Potion of Vitality

Enc: 2.5 
IS: [potionsave]
XP: 300
GP: 2500

This potion enables the consumer to be refreshed
and full of vitality despite exertion, lack of sleep, and going without
food and drink for as long as seven days.

If the potion is consumed after
one or more days of such exertion or deprivation, it will nullify the
adverse effects and still bestow vitality for the remaining number of
days up to seven. In addition, the potion is proof against poisons and
diseases for the indicated period - and while the potion is in effect,
the beneficiary will recover lost hit points at the rate of 1 every 4

WSG: Among other things, this potion negates the need for a
character to rest and take nourishment after a run spell, and it
makes the imbiber immune to the effects of fatigue and exhaustion
for up to seven days.

Appearance/Consistency: oily
Transparency: phosphorescent (determine transparency)
Colour: rose
Taste/Odor: acidic