Zagyg's Spell Component Case


Enc: -
IS: Leather
Aura: Faint
XP: 100/use
GP: 1000/use

This item appears to be a normal
belt pouch of unremarkable sort, although it will radiate a faint magic
aura if such is detected for.

Any magic-user possessing this sort of
pouch can simply think of the material components desired for a certain
spell, and they will appear in the pouch. If these components are
not used within 1 round after they appear, they immediately disappear,
and that usage of the pouch becomes wasted. If the components
are employed in spell casting, they likewise immediately
disappear as soon as the spell is cast. The number of times per day
that Zagyg’s Spell Component Case can be used is determined on the
table below. The experience point value of any such item is 100 times
its number of uses per day (thus, from 200 to 700), and its gold piece
sale value is 1,000 times its number of uses (ranging from 2,000 to
Die Roll Result
1-3 2 times/day
4-6 3 times/day
7-10 4 times/day
11-14 5 times/day
15-19 6 times/day
20 7 times/day

bless = holy water
curse = specially polluted water
create water = a drop of water to create (cf. WSG)
destroy water = a pinch of dust
detect evil = s
detect good = s
detect magic = s
protection from evil = holy water
protection from good = blood
protection from evil/good = burning incense || smoldering dung
resist cold = a pinch of sulphur
sanctuary = s + small silver mirror

augury = gem-inlaid sticks || dragon bones || similar tokens || the wet leaves of an infusion which remain in the container after the infusted brew is consumed + a crushed pearl of 100 gp value
hold person = a small straight piece of iron
resist fire = a drop of mercury
slow poison = s + a bud of garlic
spiritual hammer = warhammer

animate dead = drop of blood + piece of human flesh + pinch of bone powder || bone shard
feign death = pinch of graveyard dirt + s
glyph of warding = incense + at least 2000 gp worth of powdered diamond
locate object = lodestone
obscure object = lodestone(?) (negatively charged?)
prayer = silver s || prayer beads || a similar device
speak with the dead = s + incense

detect lie = gold dust
undetectable lie = brass dust
divination = sacrificial creature + incense + s + (optional) sacrifice of particularly valuable gems || jewelry || magic items
exorcise = s + w + (optional) relic
lower water = s + pinch of dust
raise water = s + drop of water (?) (cf. WSG)
protection from evil, 10' radius = holy water
protection from good, 10' radius = blood
protection from evil/good, 10' radius = burning incense || smoldering dung
speak with plants = drop of water + a pinch of dung + a flame
sticks to snakes = small piece of bark + several snake scales
snakes to sticks = as above (?)

atonement = s + prayer beads || prayer wheel || prayer block + burning incense
commune = s + w + incense
dispel evil = s + w
flame strike = pinch of sulphur
insect plague = a few grains of sugar + some kernels of grain + a smear of fat
plane shift = a small forked metal rod (cf. D120)
quest = s

true seeing = very rare mushroom powder + saffron + fat
false seeing = oil + poppy dust + pink orchid essence
find the path = a set of divination counters (bones || ivory counters || sticks || carved runes || whatever)
lost the path = ?
part water = s
stone tell = drop of mercury + bit of clay

control weather = s + incense + prayer beads || similar prayer object
earthquake = pinch of clay + piece of rock + lump of clay
regenerate = prayer device + w
wither = prayer device + w
resurrection = s + w
destruction = s + w
symbol = mercury + phosphorus
wind walk = fire + w

animal friendship = m + food attractive to the animal subject
detect magic = m
detect snares & pits = m
entangle = m
invisibility to animals = holly
locate animals = m
pass wuthout trace = m* + spig of pine || sprig of evergreen
predict weather = m
shillelagh = oaken club + m + shamrock leaf

barkskin = m + handful of bark from an oak
cure light wounds = m
feign death = dead oak leaf + m
fire trap = holly berries + stick of charcoal
heat metal = m
locate plants = m
produce flame = m
trip = m
warp wood = m

call lightning = m
cure disease = m
hold animal = m
protection from fire = m
pyrotechnics = m
snare = snake skin + piece of sinew from a strong animal + m
stone shape = m
summon insects = m + flower petal + bit of mud || wet clay
tree = m + twig from a tree
water breathing = m

animal summoning I = m
call woodland beings = pinecone + 8 holly berries
control temperature, 10' radius = m
cure serious wounds = m
cause serious wounds = m
dispel magic = m
hallucinatory forest = m
(reversed) hallucinatory forest = m
hold plant = m
plant door = m
produce fire = m
protection from lightning = m
repel insects = m + several crushed marigold flowers + a whole crushed leek + (7 stinging nettle leaves || a small lump of resin from a camphor tree) (?)
speak with plants = m

animal growth = m
animal summoing II = m
anti-plant shell = m
control winds = m
insect plague = m
pass plant = m
sticks to snakes = m
snakes to sticks = m
transmute rock to mud = m
transmute mud to rock = m
wall of fire = m

animal summoning III = m
anti-animal shell = m
conjure fire elemental = m
dismiss fire elemental = m
cure critical wounds = m
cause critical wounds = m
fire seeds = acorns || holly berries
transport via plants = m
turn wood = m
wall of thorns = m
weather summoning = m

animate rock = m
chariot of sustarre = m + small piece of wood + 2 holly berries + fire source at least equal to a torch
confusion = m
conjure fire elemental = m
dismiss fire elemental = m
control weather = m
creeping doom = m
finger of death = m
fire storm = m
fire quench = m
reincarnate = m
transmute metal to wood = m

comprehend languages = pinch of soot + few grains of salt
confuse languesges = ?
dancing lights = bit of phosphorus || wytchwood || glowworm
enlarge = powdered iron
reduce = ?
feather fall = small feather || a piece of down
find familiar = brass brazier + charcoal + 100 gp worth of incense + herbs (basil, savory, and catnip for sure) + fat
friends = (chalk || white flour) + (lampblack || soot) + vermillion
identify = pearl (at least 100 gp value) + owl feather steeped in wine + live miniature carp + (optional) powdered luckstone
jump = grasshopper's hind legs (1 for each jump)
mending = 2 small magnets of any type (lodestone in all likelihood) || 2 small burrs
message = short piece of copper wire
nystul's magic aura = small square of silk
protection from evil = powdered iron
protection from good = powdered silver
push = powdered brass
read magic = clear crystal || mineral prism
unreadable magic = pinch of dirt + drop of water
sleep = pinch of fine sand || rose petals || live cricket
spider climb = drop of bitumen + live spider
tenser's floating disc = drop of mercury
unseen servant = piece of string + bit of wood
ventriloquism = small cone of parchment
write = writing surface + fine ink (composed of rare substances, min. 200 gp per bottle)

audible glamer = bit of wool || a small lump of wax
darkness, 15' radius = bit of bat fur + (drop of pitch) || (piece of coal)
detect invisibility = pinch of talc + small sprinkling of powdered silver
ESP = 1 cp
fools gold = 50 gp citrine || 100 gp amber || 500 gp topaz || 1000 gp oriental (corundum) topaz
invisibility = an eyelash + bit of gum arabic
leomund's trap = iron pyrite
levitate = small leather loop || piece of golden wire bent into a cup shape with a long shank on one end
locate object = lodestone
magic mouth = honeycomb
rope trick = powdered corn extract + twisted loop of parchment
scare = bit of bone from an undead skeleton || zombie || ghoul || ghast || mummy
stinking cloud = rotten egg || several skunk cabbage leaves
strength = few hairs from a particularly strong animal || pinch of dung from a particularly strong animal (ape, bear, ox, etc.)
web = bit of spider web

clairaudience = small silver horn of at least 100 gp (casting the spell causes it to disappear)
fireball = tiny ball composed of bat guano ++ sulphur
flame arrow = drop of oil + small piece of flint
fly = wing feather
gust of wind = legume seed
haste = shaving of licorice root
infravision = pinch of dried carrot || an agate
invisibility, 10' radius = an eyelash + bit of gum arabic
leomund's tiny hut = small crystal bead
lightning bolt = bit of fur + (amber rod) || (crystal rod) || glass rod
monster summining I = tiny bag + small (not necessarily lit) candle
phantasmal force = a bit of fleece
protection from evil, 10' radius = holy water
protection from good, 10' radius = blood
protection from normal missiles = piece of tortoise shell || piece of turtle shell
slow = treacle
suggestion = snake's tongue + (a bit of honeycomb) || (drop of sweet oil)
tongues = a small clay model of a ziggurat
water breathing = short reed || short piece of straw

confusion = a set of 3 nut shells
dig = miniature shovel + tiny bucket
enchanted weapon = powdered lime + carbon
fear = heart of a hen + white feather
fire charm = small piece of multicolored silk of exceptional thinness
fire shield, hot = a bit of phosphorus
fire shield, cold = live firefly || live glow worm || the tail portions of 4 dead ones
fire trap = a bit of sulphur or saltpeter
fumble = a dab of solidified milk fat
hallucinatory terrain = stone + twig + bit of green plant -- leaf or grass blade
ice storm = pinch of dust + few drops of water
massmorph = handful of bark chips
minor globe of invulnerability = glass bead || crystal bead
monster summoning II = tiny bag + small (not necessarily lit) candle
polymorph other = caterpillar cocoon
rary's mnemonic enhancer = piece of string + ivory plaque of at least 100 gp value + ink composed of squid secrection + (black dragon's blood) || (giant slug digestive juice)
wall of fire = phosphorus
wall of ice = small piece of quartz || similar rock crystal
wizard eye = bat fur
