
L^: d5
R#: (1")*
D^: (1r)*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 7s
S^: None
A^: 1" diameter sphere

Effect: By means of this spell the druid is able to
cause a beam of soft, pale light to strike downward from overhead
and illuminate whatever AREA he or she is pointing at.

The light is exactly
the same as moonlight, so that colors other than shades of
black, gray, or white will not be determinable. The spell caster can
easily cause the moonbeam to move to any area that he or she can
see and point to. This makes the spell an effective way to spotlight
something, for example an opponent. While the moonbeam allows
shadows, a creature centered in a moonbeam spell is most certainly
under observation. The reflected light from this spell allows dim visual
perception 1 beyond the area of effect. The light does not adversely
affect infravision, and enhances ultravision to its greatest potential.

MC: Several seeds of any moonseed plant
and a piece of opalescent feldspar (moonstone).

<Normal Vision, WSG
<Fighting in Poor Visibility, WSG>