{Ox tongue, Ash spear}
Weight in Pounds |
* These weapons do twice
the damage indicated to size
L creatures when set (firmly grounded) to receive
a charging opponent.
RECEIVER! : This weapon does twice the damage indicated
to any oponent when the weapon is firmly set to receive their charge.
<the first note should be edited>
<5'-7' = 4#, SF6>
<8'-10' = 5#, SF7 = ox tongue?>
<11'-13' = 6#, SF8 = ash
The spear is a dagger set atop a pole.
It is so ancient a pole arm that it is not generally
mentioned in the class, but the spear is such a weapon.
It is principally a thrusting weapon,
but if a broad blade is used (such as that often referred to as anox
tongue) it can also have a secondary cutting function, especially when
the blade is lengthened considerably.
Spears of 12' or so in length are often referred to as ash-spears
in English writings, and when they reach such length, they are often confused
with pikes.