
(Evocation - Illusion)

L^: d3
R#: 1*
D^: 1t*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 5s
S^: None
A^: (10' sq.)*

Effect: A starshine spell enables the druid to softly illuminate an AREA as if it were exposed to a clear night sky filled with stars.

Regardless of the height of the open AREA in which the spel is cast,
the area immediately beneath it will be lit by starshine.
Vision will be clear up to 30', indistinct out to 60', and beyond that only gleams and glimmers will be discernible.
The starshine allows shadows.
It enhances ultravision <link> to its full potential but does not affect infravision <>.
The spell makes the area of effect actualy appear to be a night sky,
but disbelief of the illusion merely allows the disbeliever to not that the "stars" are actually evoked lights.

MC: The material components are several stalks from <a FFNL (Full-Frontal Naked Lady) : just the general idea, work on the punctuation later : just a translation, into archetypes .... > an amaryllis (especially Hypoxis)

and <&&> several holly berries.

<space && added>

<note that holly is one of the druidic focuses, MCs, in the forest :) ... heh, learn to climb, learn to fuck on the bough, because you are young, because there is the night sky,
the starshine above .... ! ... :) ... it is Good to be alive !! .... :) ....>.
