
by Don Maitz

Weapon Type Cost Approximate
Weight in
Size S or M Size L   Notes  Length Space Required Speed Factor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Save As
Whip 3 gp 2.5 - 3.5 1-2 1 - 8'-20'+ <6+d6+d8> 8'-20' 5-8 
<8-10' = 5>
<11-13' = 6>
<14-17' = 7>
<18-20' = 8>
-14 -10 -12 -8 -6 -4 -2 -1 +1 0 +3 [Leather]

The whip is a dangerous weapon in the hands of a highly skilled && well-trained user.
To inflict damage, the whip must contact exposed, or lightly covered, flesh.
Heavy clothing or thick hair/fur will be of considerable protection until torn away by repeated lashing.
(Thick hide, such as that of an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus,
will allow a slight sting at best, with no real damage inflicted.)
Heavily scaled or otherwise protected opponents will not even feel the lash of a heavy leather whip, even with a weighted tip.
    <define: heavy clothing, thick hair/fur, thick hide, heavily scaled>
    <guess: NAC8, NAC7, NAC5>
    <NAC: Natural Armor Class, an unofficial term you can use for the Weapon vs. AC Table>

However, the whip also has another use.
It can {entangle} an opponent's limb(s) or weapon.
Any hit scored on an opponent means that an entanglement of some sort will occur. <might?>
    * If the whip is in non-proficient hands, the chance is only 5%.
    * In proficient hands, there is a 5% chance per level of the wielder for entanglement, but only at the wielder 's option. <spelling?>

The entanglement will be:
not using 
Area Affected
01-50 01-50 one limb
51-60 51-60 two limbs
61-80 - the weapon arm && weapon
81-00  61-00 or the head

One-limb entanglement indicates no effective attack for 10 segments.

Two-limb entanglement indicates the same, with a 25%
chance that the opponent will be kneeling or prone for that period and
must thereafter recover its feet. A hit on the weapon arm/weapon indicates
no effective attack for 10 segments and a 10% chance that the
weapon will be lost. (if the weapon is edged, there is a 50% chance
that the whip will be severed and useless instead.) A neck hit indicates
the opponent can make no effective attack for 10 segments,
and additional garrot-type damage <link or explain> will be scored if the opponent has
no throat protection such as thick hide, heavy leather, armor, mane-like fur or hair, etc.
<all of the above could be re-expressed in a table>

A proficient wielder can disentangle the whip by rolling his or her dexterity or less on 3d6 minus 2.
Otherwise, the whip remains entangled until it is broken or severed, or until the wielder pulls it loose,
or until the opponent does so (the chance of this last occurrence is 5% + 1% per point of strength of the victim).

<what is the AT to disentangle?>

OA: Whip
Weapon Type Cost Weight Size S or M Size L   Notes  Length Space Required Speed Factor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Whip 1 tael (10 sp) 2.5 - 3.5 1-2 1 g 8'-20' 8'-20' 5-8 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -1 +1 0 +3
    g These weapons can make entangling attacks.

To inflict damage, the whip must strike exposed or lightly covered flesh.
Heavy clothing, thick hair or fur will be of considerable protection until torn away by repeated lashing.
Thick hide, such as that of an elephant || rhinoceros, will allow a slight sting at best, with no real damage inflicted.
Heavily scaled or otherwise protected opponents will not even feel the lash of a whip, even with a weighted tip.
However, the whip can also be used to entangle an opponent and is often more effective in this way than by actually causing damage.
<if one does not use weapon vs. AC, i would recommend making an exception for the whip>


L^: mu2, wj2
R#: 1"
D^: 1r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 2s
S^: S
A^: S
Whip (weapon)

Effect: By means of this spell, the magic-user creates
a material, whip-like substance up to 1 ” distant from his or her

The spell caster can then wield this whip by moving his or her
hand as if it held an actual one, for the magical one will respond to
movements made by its evoker.
The lash can be used so as to make both
    a whistling crack and
    an actual strike each turn.
The sound alone
is sufficient to keep normal animals at bay unless they save versus
spell. Any animal actually struck (as indicated by a normal “to hit” die
roll) must save versus spell at -1 to -4 or else slink away and not return
for at least an hour. Note that the whip does not do actual damage to
the creature struck. Creatures with intelligence above 3 are not affected,
nor are giant-sized animals above bear-size, nor are monsters.
The whip can also be used in melee combat, a successful “to
hit” roll indicating that the lash has struck and wrapped around an opponent’s
weapon. If that weapon is an edged one, the whip must
make a saving throw versus crushing blow (13 or better); if the
weapon is non-edged, the whip must save versus normal blow (6 or
better). Success on this saving throw indicates that the whip has torn
the weapon from the opponent’s hand - unless the opponent succeeds
on a saving throw versus spell. An affected weapon will be cast
to the ground, and the opponent must take 1 round to recover it. The
magic bonus of a target weapon applies as a penalty to the whip’s
saving throw versus crushing blow or normal blow, and the magic resistance
of an intended target opponent must fail for a “to hit” roll to
be possible in the first place.

MC: A small bit of silk braided so as to form a miniature whip.

Wu Jen: This spell allows wu jen to conjure a whip of mystical force that may be used to strike at opponents.
The crack of the whip keeps normal animals at bay unless they make a successful saving throw vs. spell,
and such animals struck take no damage, but must make a successful saving throw vs. spell at -1 to -4 or slink away.
The whip may be used in melee combat.
A successful hit has a chance (13 or better on a 20-sided die for edged weapons, 6 or better for non-edged weapons) of pulling a weapon from an opponent's hand
(the opponent still receives a saving throw to avoid this).

Wu Jen.MC: The material component of this spell is a small silken whip.

Q: The whip spell does not affect
creatures with an intelligence above
3 or giant animals above bear-size.
How then can the spell be used to
disarm characters?
A: This immunity is only to the whip?s
ability to make creatures retreat. The
whip?s secondary function is to disarm
weapon-using creatures of any sort.
