Ancient Curse

L^: sh7
R#: 0
D^: Permanent
C^: v
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: S

Effect: By means of this spell, the shukenja calls down a terrible and lasting curse upon those of evil ways.

The spell can only be cast on those who have performed some great wickedness. The spell is granted to the shukenja
directly by his deity and the intended victim must be known before the spell is taken. As such, the DM controls
the use of this spell, deciding if the conditions have been met.

When granted, the shukenja is given the solemn responsibility of invoking the wrath of his deity upon
the evildoer and his family in the form of a powerful curse. The shukenja player must decide the exact nature of
the curse (with approval from the DM). Suggested curses include
    * pestilence settling on the house of the evildoer,
    * failure of the evildoer's crops every year,
    * that all his family and their descendants live out miserable, squalid lives,
    * that a ghost or haunting of some type dwell in his home,
    * that he shall have no sons to carry his name, or
    * that his household be prone to devastating fires.
Players and DMs can be creative in designing
appropriate curses. When the spell is cast, the shukenja must be in the presence of the evildoer and must
announce the curse clearly to him. Thereafter, the curse is in effect. Ancient curse is a long-term spell and its
effects are seldom immediate. Rather, the curse develops over months and years and extends for centuries. The
curse affects the evildoer and all those who descend from him.

Although an ancient curse has a long-lasting effect, it is not necessarily permanent. An atonement spell
can lift the ancient curse, provided the atonement involves some action of great magnitude and is appropriate to
the deed that resulted in the invoking of the ancient curse. If the curse had been brought down on the head of a
great tyrant, his descendants could atone for his actions by liberating the oppressed. A curse brought on by
greed that destroyed a village could be lifted by devoting one's life to poverty and charity.

MC: A tiny silver gong && the shukenja's holy symbol.


QUESTION: Is a curse removed at death so that when you are raised it is no longer with you?

ANSWER:It depends on the curse.
If it is for eternity, then you are stuck with it.
If it isn’t, then your DM will have to examine the curse and make a ruling.
Remember, his or her decision is final.

