(Chinese: Dang-Ki)

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Character Classes - - - Oriental Adventures

A shukenja is a wandering priest || monk who has accepted a life of hardship and poverty.

Table 26: SHUKENJA
Experience Points Experience Level 6-sided Dice for Accum. Hit Points THACO Saves 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 -- 1,250 1 1 20 1 - - - - - -
1,251 -- 3,000 2 2 - - 2 - - - - - -
3,001 -- 5,500 3 3 - -
5,501 -- 11,000 4 4 18
11,001 -- 22,000 5 5 - -
22,001 -- 44,000 6 6 - -
44,001 -- 90,000 7 7 16
90,001 -- 150,000 8 8 - -
150,000 -- 300,000 9 9 - -
300,001 -- 600,000 10 9 + 1 14
600,001 -- 900,000 11 9 + 2 - -
900,001 -- 1,200,000 12 9 + 3 - -

    250,000 experience points are required for each level beyond 12th.
    Shukenja gain 1 hp per level beyond 9th.

A shukenja is a wandering priest || monk who has accepted a life of hardship and poverty.
This self-sacrifice, combined with devout religious beliefs, places the shukenja outside of the caste system.
He is treated with respect by all members of society, from samurai to peasant.
In return he normally gives aid, both spiritual and physical, and instruction to those who desire or need it.
While he has some training in fighting, his choice of armor and weapons is limited.
His main power is the spells he can cast to enlighten, aid, and protect himself and others.

A shukenja's principal attribute is WIS.
To become a shukenja a character must have min. scores of 12 in Wis and 9 in Str and Con.
Characters with both Wis and Con scores of 15 or greater earn a 10% bonus on all XP awarded by the DM.
A shukenja must have good alignment, although he can be lawful, neutral, or chaotic.

Ability Score Spell Bonus Chance of 
Spell Failure
9 none 20%
10 none 15%
11 none 10%
12 none 05%
13 One 1st level 0%
14 One 1st level 0%
15 One 2d level 0%
16 One 2d level 0%
17* One 3d level 0%
18** One 4th level 0%

* Minimum Wisdom for use of 6th-level spells
** Minimum Wisdom for use of 7th-level spells

The Spell Bonus shown on Table 27 is the number of additional spells a shukenja or sohei is entitled to by virtue of his high Wisdom score.
These spells are available only if the shukenja is allowed to cast spells of the noted level.
The bonuses are cumulative, so a shukenja with Wisdom 15 is entitled to two additional 1st-level spells and one additional 2d-level spell.
He cannot cast the 2d-level spell until he reaches the 4th level of experience.

Chance of Spell Failure is the percentage chance that a spell cast by a shukenja or sohei will have no effect whatsoever.
Roll percentile dice every time a spell is cast; if the result is equal to or less than the listed number, the shukenja or sohei has expended that spell and it has failed utterly.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 - - - - - -
2 2 - - - - - -
3 3 - - - - - -
4 3 1 - - - - -
5 3 2 - - - - -
6 4 2 1 - - - -
7 4 3 2 - - - -
8 4 3 2 1 - - -
9 5 3 2 2 - - -
10 5 4 2 2 1 - -
11 5 4 3 2 2 - -
12 6 4 3 3 2 - -
13 6 5 4 3 2 - -
14 6 5 4 3 2 1 -
15 7 5 4 3 2 2 -
16 7 6 5 3 2 2 -
17 7 6 5 4 3 2 -
18 7 6 5 4 3 3 1
19 8 6 5 4 4 3 1
20 8 7 6 4 4 3 2
21 8 7 6 5 4 4 2
22 9 7 6 5 5 4 2
23 9 8 7 5 5 4 3
24 9 8 7 6 5 5 3
25 9 9 7 6 6 5 3
26 9 9 8 7 6 5 4
27 9 9 8 7 7 6 4
28 9 9 9 8 7 6 4
29 9 9 9 9 8 7 5

Although a shukenja serves a particular religion, players don't need to choose any particular religion for their shukenja characters.
All religions are respected and venerated, and the practices and beliefs of one are often intermingled by the peasants with those of another.
Unless the western world, the land of OA has no separate, organized church. <>
Instead, religious beliefs and rituals are intertwined with the rituals of daily life.
Temples abound, each more or less independent of all others regardless of the deity or deities worshipped.

Shukenja characters roll 6-sided dice for HP, gaining one die per level.
They use the combat && saving throw tables of clerics.
They are limited to studded leather or lesser armor, although certain individual pieces of armor can be worn.
Their choice of weapons is also limited.
See Table 13 for a complete list of permissible armor and weapons.

At 1st level shukenja have six proficiency slots.
Only two of these can can be filled with weapon proficiencies.
Of the remaining four, one must be religion, and the other must be calligraphy.
The two remaining slots can be filled with any NWP desired.

Before beginning their wandering, shukenja undergo training at a monastery or temple.
This training has three aspects: ritual, meditation, and self-defense.

Ritual: The training in ritual teaches the character how to perform the basic religious rituals he needs to know.
A shukenja can perform marriages, christenings, funeral rites, observances of holy days, and purifications.

The last of these can be effective at lifting curses and warding off evil influences.
A shukenja has a basic 5% chance per level to remove any curse when performing a purification ritual.
When purifying to ward off evil influences, the shukenja can sanctify an area with a radius of 5 feet (75 square feet).
At the end of the ritual, everyone within the area gains a +1 bonus on all rolls to hit && saving throws when fighting evil spirits.
This effect lasts only as long as the shukenja remains within the purified circle.
Multiple purifications do not have a cumulative effect.

Meditation is a state of deep concentration.
By meditating, the shukenja focuses and regains his energies.
One hour of uninterrupted meditation is as restful as two hours of sleep.
While meditating, the shukenja is oblivious to hunger, thirst, heat, and cold.
He is still conscious and aware of his surroundings, however, so he does not suffer any penalties on surprise or initiative rolls.

Self-Defense: The self-defense training received by the shukenja gives the character an initial proficiency in one style of unarmed combat (player's choice).
The training is free and does not use one of the shukenja's initial proficiency slots.

Ki: Shukenja are also trained to draw upon their ki to protect themselves in dangerous situations.
A shukenja can focus his ki to physically and mentally resist an attack.
The result is that the shukenja improves his saving throw by +3.
He can do this a number of times per day equal to his level.
The decision to use the ki power can be made at any point in the round, unless the die has already been rolled for the saving throw.
Once the die is rolled, the character must abide by the results.

Although they are trained to defend themselves, shukenja are not warriors, so they earn only half the normal XP for slaying or defeating humans and monsters.
A shukenja does, however, gain full experience for defeating evil spirits.
Similarly, they are sworn to poverty and earn XP only for treasure that is donated to charity or the poor.
Unlike other characters, however, shukenja also earn XP for using their curative and healing spells to help others.
A shukenja earns 100 XP per spell level used to heal, cure or similarly aid an NPC or creature not associated with the character's party.

Shukenja must live by certain rules imposed by their religion.
They cannot eat meat; they must refrain from violence whenever possible (esp. killing); and they must avoid immoderate drinking and eating.
Failing to follow these rules will result in some type of punishment for the character, chosen by the DM.
Loss of spell levels, loss of honor, or a special penance are typical consequences.
In some situations the shukenja may be forced to break these rules; the DM should take this into consideration when deciding on a punishment.

Individual shukenja may have additional restrictions placed upon them by the particular religion they adhere to.
These are left to the DM's discretion.

Upon entering the religious life, the shukenja severs all ties to his past.
Thus, it is not necessary for a shukenja character to belong to a family or clan, nor does he need to roll on Table 38: Character Birth.
These things belong to the temporal world and are of little consequence to the shukenja.
Likewise, the shukenja is less concerned with the demands of honor than other characters and so is exempt from many of the penalties and bonuses associated with honor.
He does have honor, but it seldom reaches the heights attained by other characters.

Q: The subdual rules indicate that it
is preferable for shukenja to subdue
their opponents rather than slay
them. Does this mean that shukenja
get full experience for creatures

A: Shukenja are not supposed to be aggressive,
except toward evil spirits. They
receive half experience for other opponents
that they defeat by any means.

* spell use
* purification ritual (remove curse, ward off evil)
* meditation

ABILITIES: S9, W12:15, C9:15


CLL: Class Level Limit


WP: 2, martial art
NWP: 2, calligraphy, religion


HD: d4
MHD: 17


1. SUBCLASS = cleric
2. SOCIAL CLASS MINIMUM = roll on Birth Rank table not required
    STRENGTH = 9
    WISDOM = 12:15
    DEXTERITY = 3 <>
    CHARISMA = 6
4. POSSIBLE RACES & MAX. LEVEL ATTAINABLE = hengeyokai (8), human (U)
6. HIT DIE TYPE = d6
9. ARMOR PERMITTED = leather, padded, hara-ate, haramaki, jingase, studded leather
11. WEAPONS PERMITTED = axe (hand), bo stick, boku-toh, chain, gunsen, jitte, jo stick, kama, kiseru, sai, sling, sling staff, spear, tetsubo, three-piece rod, tui-fa
15. STARTING MONEY = 1-5 tael (ch'ao) + 2-20 yuan + 1-100 fen (10-50 $p + 10-100 cp + 1-100 cp)
16. WEAPON PROFICIENCIES = one MA style (free @L1)
18. NON-WEAPON PROFICIENCIES = religion & calligraphy (free @L1)
20. COMBAT = cleric
21. SAVING THROWS = cleric
23. FAMILY = not required
24. HONOR = 20 + lowest ability score (if no family)
    Healing, curing, or restoring NPCs: +1
    Removing a curse: +1
    Taking life: -3
25. SKILLS = 4@L1 (max. of 2 slots for weapons), 5@L2, 6@L4, 7@L6, 8@L8, 9@L9