Animal Companion

L^: sh1, wj2
R#: 1 mile radius
D^: Special
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: Neg.
A^: One creature

Effect: This spell is only effective outdoors.

When cast by the shukenja, it summons one normal woodland
creature that is within a mile of the caster. The creature is allowed a saving throw versus spells. The DM
determines the type of creature summoned, depending on terrain and level of the character. The creature's hit
dice must be equal to or less than half the level of the caster. This beast is friendly toward the shukenja. It
remains with the him so long as he travels through the wilderness, but will not go more than 20 miles from its
home. Upon entering any large encampment, village, or other settlement, the beast parts company with the
shukenja. In addition, mistreating the beast causes it to leave or even turn on the shukenja.
The spell does not provide telepathic or perfect communication with the beast, however it does
understand the general meaning of spoken commands and gestures. The animal is still a wild beast and can be
dangerous, especially misinterpreting common situations as threatening. If well-treated, the animal defends and
serves the shukenja to the best of its ability and nature. Thus, a monkey would prefer harassment and tricks to
outright combat, while a tiger would fearlessly spring into the midst of the shukenja's foes. 
Common animals summoned include monkeys, hawks, badgers, boars, bears, tigers, and serpents.

MC: A piece of candy, sugar, or other tasty morsel for the creature summoned.

Wu Jen: This spell is identical to the 1st-level shukenja spell, animal companion.
