(River Dragon)
(Celestial Bureaucracy: Guardians of rivers and lakes, bringers of rain)

<(second from left: Chiang Lung)>

MOVE: 12" / 18" // 24" <MC = ?>
HIT DICE: 10 to 12
% IN LAIR: 80% (1 Chiang Lung: mountains, TPL42:7th, REF4.50)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6/1-6/3-36
INTELLIGENCE: High to Genius <(13 to 18 = 12+d6)>
ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral (tending to good)
SIZE: L (50' - 60' long)
    10 HD: VIII / 3,750 + 14
    11 & 12 HD: VIII / 5,400 + 16

Chiang lung are the lords of the rivers and lakes, responsible to the Celestial Bureaucracy for the denizens of the waters, the giving of rain, and the flow of waters within their jurisdiction.
Although there is a chiang lung present in every river and lake, they seldom appear to humans who are outside their jurisdiction.
They act upon the orders of the Celestial Emperor and report to him once a year.
Although wingless, they are able to fly through the power of a magical pearl lodged in the brain.
They are able to speak the languages of the Celestial Court, fishes, shen lung, their own language, and all human languages.

Chiang lung have the powers common to all oriental dragons, except that they can polymorph <> to any form desired.
Their breath weapon expels dark rainclouds, enabling them to cause rain when and where desired.
They can [lower water] in a 1-square mile radius per age level as desired.
Humans often make offerings to them, beseeching them to intercede with the Celestial Emperor for rainfall during periods of drought or to lesson the waters in times of flood.
However, the chiang lung do not act unless properly ordered, for disobedience is punished by death.

Chiang lung also have the following abilities, usable at will once per round: [bless], [curse], [omen], [fate], [dispel evil], [control weather], and [remove curse].
They are able to use [major creation] and [reward] once per day.
Any person accompanied by a chiang lung can breathe and move underwater just as if he were on dry land.
Upon special orders of the Celestial Emperor they can cast a tsunami.
In combat they attack with their claws and bite.
If in human form they are armed with a sword +5.
This blade is so massive that others must make a successful bend bars/lift gates roll to use the weapon.

When encountered outside their lair, there is a 75% chance they are accompanied by 1d4 lesser nature spirits and a 40% chance that 1-2 shen lung are present.

Aside from their official duties, chiang lung occasionally involve themselves in the affairs of man.
They have a particular fondness for virtuous scholars and men of learning and art.
Sometimes they entertain these men on lavishly decorated boats, posing as wealthy nobles or government officials.
Such parties usually last all night or until the human falls asleep.
With the dawn, the scholar finds himself alone on the boat with some token of the event left behind.

The daughters of chiang lung seem to find themselves particularly attracted to handsome human males and secret love affairs and marriages are often the result.
Indeed, chiang lung often give a daughter (who is always strikingly beautiful and gracious) in marriage to a courageous or clever hero who visits his court.
Such offers are conducted with none of the formality of normal courtship and are a great honor.
While it is possible to refuse such a marriage for noble reasons (a wife at home or filial piety) this seldom occurs.
However, these liasons normally end sadly as the daughter must eventually return to her home, never to see her lover or husband again.
Children born to such a marriage are spirit folk.

LAIR: The lair of the chiang lung is a magical palace located under the waves.
The mansion is always of great size and wealth,
as befits the dragon's station,
regardless of the size of the river or lake.
Although decorated in great wealth and taste,
items stolen from the manshion of the chaing lung automatically become worthless objects upon reaching the surface.
Only items freely given by the chiang lung are exempt from this.
When in this mansion, the chiang lung always assumes human form.
Although this is not their natural form, they seem to prefer it over their dragon body.
They are always well-attended by lesser nature spirit servants in their mansion (also assuming human form) and have from 1d6 shen lung to act as their bodyguard and aides.
In addition they have from 2d4 children present at the mansion.
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