Human characters are neither given --penalties-- nor ++bonuses++, as they are established as the norm upon which these --subtractions-- || ++additions++ for racial stock are based.
Human characters are not limited
as to what class of character they can become, nor
do they have any max. limit -- other than that intrinsic to the class --
of level they can attain
within a class.
As they are the rule rather
than the xception,
the basic
info given always applies to humans,
and racial changes are noted
for differences as applicable for non-human || part-human stocks.
Dice Roll | Place of Birth | Most Common Alignments | PRIMARY LANGUAGES | Human Sub-race |
01-03 | Prelacy of Almor | LN, LG | Common | OS |
04-05 | Bissel | NG, N, LG, LN | Common | OSB |
06-07 | Ekbir | LN, N | Baklunish | - |
08 | Frost, Ice or Snow Barbarians | CN | Suloise (the Cold Tongue) | - |
09-18 | Furyondy | LG, NG, LN | Common (5% Velondi) | - |
19-20 | Geoff | CG, CN, NG | Flan, Common | - |
21 | Gran March | LN | Common (10% Keolandish) | SOf |
22-29 | Great Kingdom | Any | Common, Oeridian | OS |
30-32 | Greyhawk | Any | Common | OSfb |
33 | Idee | N, CN | Common | OS |
34 | Irongate | LN | Common | Os |
35-37 | Keoland | LN, N, CG, CN, N | Common (15% Keolandish) | SOf |
38 | Ket | CN, N | Baklunish, Common | - |
39-40 | Lordship of the Isles | LN | Common | So |
41-50 | Nyrond | LN, LG, NG, CG | Common (15% Nyrondese) | Os |
51-52 | Onnwal | LN | Common | - |
53-54 | Theocracy of the Pale | LN, LG | Common | - |
55-57 | Perrenland | LN, LG, N | Common | - |
58-59 | Plains of the Paynims | CN, N | Baklunish | - |
60 | Ratik | N, CN, CE | Common, Oeridian | Sof |
61 | Rovers of the Barrens | CN, N | Flan | - |
62 | Sea Barons | CN | Common | So |
63-64 | Shield Lands | LG, NG, N | Common | - |
65-66 | Sterich | CN | Common | OFS |
67-68 | Sunndi | LN, CG, N | Common | - |
69 | Duchy of Tenh | LN, N | Flan, Common | - |
70 | Tiger and Wolf Nomads | N, CN | Baklunish | - |
71 | Tusmit | N | Baklunish | - |
72 | Tri-States of Ulek (Duchy, Principality) | LN, LG, CG, CN, N | Common | OFS, Sfo, (SO) |
73 | Ull | CN, N, CE | Baklunish | - |
74-78 | County or Duchy of Urnst | N, NG | Common | SO |
79-88 | Veluna | LG, NG | Common (10% Velondi) | Osf |
89-94 | Wild Coast | Any | Common | Sof |
95-96 | Yeomanry | LG, LN | Common (5% Keolandish) | SOf |
97-98 | Zeif | LN, N | Baklunish | - |
99-00 | Elsewhere, or choose | - | - | - |
- | - | - | All PCs speak Common, at least. | - |
The Baklunish people have golden-hued
skin tones. Eye color is commonly gray-green
green, with gray uncommon and hazel rare.
color ranges from blue-black
to dark brown.
the Tiger
Nomads, Ull, and Zeif
typify the straight
Baklunish strain. The Wolf
Nomads are intermarried
with the Rovers of the Barrens, so they
show the
darker Flan blood.
is so mixed with Suel and
Oeridian blood
as to be the least typical of the Baklunish
race, for the people of Ket are pale yellow
golden-brown or tan in skin color, with
virtually any
hair color possible save the lightest
yellows and reds.
Both the Paynim tribes and Tusmit show
admixture, also.
Dress: Baklunish peoples are of two sorts. The northern
branch favors bright patterns and gaudy
colors. They
wear gowns and robes, or else short breeks
and flowing
coats. The poorer folk even wear gaudy
although their garments are typically a
coverall with whatever additional garb
they can add.
The southern branch likes parti-colors
of a more pastel
hue. Their dress is complex and full of
many puffs
and slashes when adorned for special events.
commonly wear rough hide and cloth when
or at war, with shields and banners showing
The Flan race have a bronze-colored complexion.
This varies from a lighter, almost copper
shade to a very dark tone which is deepest
brown. Eye
color is commonly dark brown, black, brown,
amber (in declining order of occurrence).
Hair coloration
is black, brown-black, dark brown, or brown.
Also, Flannae tend to have wavy or curly
hair. People
of the Duchy of Tenh are pure Flan, proud
of their
bronze color. Geoff and Sterich,
despite mixture,
show strong Flan racial influence. The
Rovers of the
Barrens are of the copper-toned sort of
although the western tribes show the golden
color of the Baklunish due to interbreeding
with the
Wolf Nomad
tribes. The people of the Hold of Stone
Fist and the citizens of the Theocracy
of the Pale are
primarily hybrids, the former Flan/Suel,
the latter
Flan/Oeridian. The inhabitants of the Pale
are particularly
Flannae, Dress:
Flannae once wore brightly-hued body paints, with
yellow ochre and vermillion being the favorites.
the Rovers of the Barrens still use considerable
painting (where their high boots, loincloth
and chest
and arm leather don't cover them), the
more civilized
Flan dress in the mode currently fashionable
in their
portion of the continent. Garments, however,
tend to
be of solid primary colors, with very bright
The Oeridians have skin tones ranging
from tan to olive. They have hair which
runs the
gamut of color from honey blonde to black,
brown and reddish brown are most common.
eye coloration is highly variable, although
brown and
gray are frequently seen in individuals.
Unmixed Oeridians, despite claims of the
are most common in Furyondy, Perrenland,
the Shield Lands,
and in the E. and S. in North Province,
Medegia, and Sunndi.
Dress: Oeridians typically favor checks and plaids. Aerdi and Nyrondal
houses tend to wear plaids while the southern
and western Oeridians favor checks, often
of a
diamond pattern or similar variation from
the standard
square. Clothing tends toward tight-legged
close-fitting upper garments, and capes
or cloaks.
The fleeing Suel folk were scattered in a broadcast fashion across the
Flanaess, so that most
tended to mix with other groups. The Suel
race is
very fair-skinned, some being almost albino.
have light red, yellow, blonde, or platinum
hair. Eye color varies from pale blue to
violet through
deep blue, with gray occasionally occurring.
Curly to
kinky hair is common. The inhabitants of
the Duchy
of Ernest are nearly of pure Suel race.
The Frost, Ice
and Snow Barbarians are perfect specimens
unmixed Suloise blood; the nearly albinoid
Barbarians are the best example. The Suel
folk are
quite predominant in the island groups
off the eastern
coast of the Flanaess as well as on Tilvanot
in the Scarlet Brotherhood region. Those
bands that
migrated into the vast Amedio Jungle and
are so altered as to be no longer typical
of the
race; they are tan to brown with heavy
Suloise, Dress:
Suloise folk have long used solid colors. Aristocratic
houses have two or more such colors in
their dress, so
parti-colored garments are not uncommon.
the Suel people tend to favor display of
emblems II
tokens on their garments, typically of
a contrasting
color to their basic one. Dress was originally
pantaloons topped by a baggy blouse. This
form of
dress has been changed to meet the needs
of the varying
climates, so the northern Suloise barbarians
furs and skin garments, while those in
the southernmost
area have replaced the blouse with vest-like
upper wear.
The most populous and strongest of the
major races of the FR, Man is considered the dominant
race in this region of Faerun.
The race of Man in Faerun comes in all
shapes, sizes, and colors, with individuals approaching the height of halflings,
the stockiness of the dwarf, and the slenderness
of the elf.
Their skin color ranges from the pale,
almost translucent Lantans to the dusky dark-eyed natives of Unther,
with all shades in between.
The concept of sub-races in mankind does
not exist, as all nationalities can interbreed without difficulty, and
their children, unlike the elves, will have traits of either or both parents,
so that after a time any removed group of humans has its own identity which
may change in a few generations with the introduction of new settlers or
Mankind is one of the most aggressive of
the major races, approaching the goblins
in ferocity and the dwarves in their single-minded drive when aroused to
At any time in the North, some group of
humans, often with non-human allies, is fighting some other group.
The dwarves think it is because human lives
are so short it does not matter, while the elves tend to think it is because
humanity has not yet figured out how to communicate properly.
Mankind has a spoken and written language
that is accepted as Realmspeak and Tradetongue even between non-humans.
They have developed the idea of money
from beyond the dwarvish conception of raw ore accumulated into a maze
of different systems and coinage.
They have generated art and literature
and commentary by the ton-load, and raised the practice of slaughtering
a foe to an art form and a science.
Mankind's attitudes range from the beatific
to the diabolic, and its numbers include clerics
of good faiths, pirates, traders,
kings, beggars, slaves (in the south),
mages, heroes, cowards, fishermen, and mercenaries.
Their abilities are limitless, and the
question arises that when this race finally gets all the quirks out of
their systems and gets moving, will there be any room left for the other
races of the Realms?
WISDOM: 3/18
STARTING AGE: Cleric (20+1d4), Fighter
(15+1d4), Mage (24+2d8), Thief (20+1d4)
HEIGHT: Male, average 72, -1d4, +1d6, underheight
01-20, average 21-80 (01-30 shorter by 1d4 1/2", 71-00 taller by 1d4 1/2"),
overheight 81-00