
L^: sh1
R#: 12"
D^: (2r)*
C^: v.s
CT: 1r
S^: S
A^: One creature

Effect: When this spell is cast, the shukenja or any creature within range is surrounded by a mystical shield,
protecting him from missiles and blows.

The enchanted creature is allowed a saving throw versus death against
any attack for which a successful to hit roll is scored. If the saving throw is successful, the creature takes no
damage from missile weapons and half damage from melee attacks. Through the power of the spell, he has
managed to nimbly sidestep the shot or deflect the blow of the attacker.

The reverse of this spell, attraction, can be cast on an unwilling opponent who is allowed a save
vs. Spells to avoid the effect. If the save is unsuccessful, the victim suffers 1 point of additional
damage for every level of the caster when hit, unless a second successful save vs. Death is made for
that hit.