
Detect Curse

L^: sh3
R#: 0
D^: 1r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: 1 " x 3" path

Effect: With this spell, the shukenja has a 5% chance per level of detecting any cursed item, person, or place.

One man-sized object or one square yard of area can be checked each round. Once a cursed item has been
discovered, the shukenja has the same percentage chance of determining the general nature of the curse,
although its precise triggers and effects remain a mystery. In scanning a cursed scroll, the shukenja could learn
the curse causes misfortune to the reader, but would not be able to tell that it lowered the saving throws and to
hit chances of the recipient by 1 until removed. Each item or area can only be checked once by the same
shukenja, regardless of the number of spells he may cast upon it.
The material components for this spell are

MC: A gem of at least 2 ch'ien (which must be given to the shukenja's deity as an offering) and a fresh spray of cherry or plum blossoms.
