

L^: sh4
R#: 0
D^: S
C^: v.s.m
CT: 6t
S^: None
A^: One creature

Effect: This spell allows the shukenja to foresee the general course of a character's life.

Both the shukenja and
the character for whom the spell is CAST must be present at the casting. Significant details of the character's life
must be known-birth date, past deeds, family, etc. Upon casting the spell, the shukenja delves into the possible
paths for the character's future life. At the end of the spell, the shukenja is able to predict some major future
event in the character's life. Neither the character or the shukenja has any control over the nature of the event
predicted, i.e. specific questions cannot be asked or answered. Nor are the exact circumstances of the event
known (date, location, etc.). Indeed, the shukenja is only able to provide general statements about the future of
the character.
When this spell is cast, there are two ways the DM can decide the answer. If the DM knows of some
event that will occur to the character, he can use this to provide the answer. Thus, if the DM knows that the
character will shortly incur the wrath of a ninja family, he can respond "Soon you life will be fraught with
danger from someone whose wrath you have incurred. You must expect danger from unexpected sources and
friendly strangers. Courage, cunning, and caution should enable you to prevail." If the DM knows of no
particular event that will occur to the character, he can roll on Table 65: Fate.

Table 65: Fate
Die Roll Outcome
The character will overcome some great opponent in a valiant struggle.
2 The character will gain a great fortune but lose it before he can reap the benefits.
3 The character will be elevated to high position and enjoy the respect and admiration of those around him.
4-5 The character will be elevated to high position but evil scheming will bring about his fall.
6-7 The character will suffer a humiliating defeat at the hand of some great enemy.
8-9 The character will come into a great fortune that will bring ruin and hardship to his house.
10-12 Powerful beings will show compassion upon the character, sparing his life at an unexpected moment.
13-15 The actions of the character's family will bring misfortune down upon the character.
16-17 A stranger will bring disguised good fortune into the character's life.
18 The character will gain great favor with the mighty through a courageous and heroic action.
19 A stranger will bring ill fortune into the character's life.
20 A fearful enemy will seek devious revenge upon the character when he does not expect it.

All of the statements given above are quite general and many provide the basis for adventures. The DM
should secretly note the fate of the character and then arrange for the events to come about, creating an
adventure to fit. The DM can also create other fates as he sees fit. The fate is not an absolute event and
unyielding, rather it is the potential for what may occur. The actions of the character are the player's choice and
his actions may change the final outcome. Indeed, knowing his fate allows the character to better prepare
himself to meet and avoid it.

A character can only have one fate at a time. Once determined, the nature of the event cannot be
changed although the outcome can occur differently if the character's actions accomplish this. Determining a
fate does not make the character immune to death, i.e. the character can still die before his selected fate comes
to pass, especially if he behaves in a rash or stupid manner. However, in most cases, the character should live to
see his fate fulfilled, even if he only survives for a few seconds after it has happened.

MC: Incense, astrological charts, and a silver gong.
