Chapter 7: Shukenja Spells


The casting of spells is a critical function for shukenja (and wu jen and a somewhat lesser power of
sohei). Spells greatly affect play. Each spell is a particular power, triggered by verbal, somatic, and/or material
components. Verbal components are the utterings of the character. When the character cannot speak, such spells
cannot be used. Somatic components are the gestures and movements of the character, particularly the hands.
The character must have his hands and arms free through the entire casting to use such spells. Material
components are the items that must be written on, burned, shaken, tossed into the air, etc., to trigger the spell's
power. While most components are common, some spells require elaborate preparation for their use. Without
these items, the spell cannot possibly be CAST.

Spells are the armor and sword of the holy man, given to him as signs from his deity. They are a symbol
of the power of his faith and the power of his religion. The shukenja should not hesitate to use them for fear of

Each spell serves as a living lesson of the shukenja's call. Therefore, the shukenja player will find many
of his spells serve to aid, comfort, and guide others. By performing these services, the shukenja teaches the
noblest and most positive values about life. A shukenja should never refuse his services to the needy or
unfortunate, nor should he seek personal gain through their use. Rather he should use them to advantage of his
religion. Ultimately the shukenja's goal is to provide aid and succor to the weak and helpless, acting as a living
example of his faith. This role is reflected in the experience points the player character earns.
A second major role of the shukenja is to advise and guide others. To this end, he has a number of spells
to help him determine the best course of action. Some are only effective for immediate events, helping the
shukenja through times of crisis and danger. Others are broader in scope, providing insights into the probable
outcomes of the future. In the adventuring party, the shukenja is a wise man whose words should be heeded. He
often sees the paths that will be taken before the rest. His role is that of a guide, teacher, and sage to his fellows.
Although his advice is not always perfect, characters would do well to heed him.
Unfortunately, the world is not a perfect place, so some shukenja spells provide protection for the
shukenja. The majority of these are defensive, in keeping with the shukenja's beliefs. It is not his desire to smite
the foe and crush him under his heel. Yet, sometimes even this is necessary. He has, therefore, a limited number
of offensive spells at his command. These are generally not severely harmful. The shukenja has no desire to
cause death and anguish, and his spells reflect this fact.

Certain spells can be cast for an effect opposite to their normal use. This is noted in the description.
However, use of certain reversed spells may put the shukenja's own faith into question. Such spells should be
used with care. Ignoring the consequences of misuse leads to disfavor with the shukenja's deity, resulting in loss
of levels or experience. Flagrant disregard of these dangers leads to a change of alignment for the shukenja. The
DM will determine the final consequences of such an event.

A shukenja gains spells through mediation that cleanses his mind and prepares him as a vessel for his
deity's purpose. He must spend at least six hours meditating. At the end of this meditation, he selects the spells
that he will use. This is part of his own training and development, for how cart one help others without the
foresight to see one's own needs? Once a spell is cast, it is forgotten until time is spent composing the mind
again. The spiritual power channeled through the shukenja disturbs the orderly harmony of his psyche.
The number of spells a shukenja (or wu jen or sohei) character can use depends on his class and level as
explained in the description of the character class. High ability scores and magic items may increase the number
of spells a character can cast.

The spells are listed by level, alphabetically within each level. Each spell is detailed according to general
type, level, duration, area of effect, components (noted V, S, and M), casting time, and type of saving throw.
Below this is a general description of the spell and its effects.
Spells that have appeared in the PH || UA are included here in condensed form to relieve the players and DM of the need
to page through several different books.

Spell Explanations

Range is shown in inches (indicating feet or yards) or as "touch;" which indicates the caster must
physically touch the recipient of the spell for it to have effect. In the case of unwilling victims, the caster must
make an unmodified to hit roll for the spell to be effective. Should the attempt fail, the spell still goes off
although its effect is wasted.

Duration is the number of turns or rounds the spell remains in effect. Permanent indicates the spell lasts
until it is removed by some other agency, if this is possible. "Instantaneous" indicates the spell is nothing more
than a brief flash, virtually impossible to avoid.

Area of Effect shows how large an area or the number of creatures the spell affects.
Components are the verbal (u), somatic (S), and material (M) elements required to cast the spell.
Casting Time is the number of melee rounds or segments required to cast the spell. There are 10
segments to the round and 10 rounds to the turn.

Saving Throw tells whether a saving throw is allowed and, if so, whether a successful saving throw
halves the effect (1/2) or negates it totally (neg.).

1st Level
1 Animal Companion *
2 Augury
3 Beneficience
4 Bless *
5 Calm
6 Cure Light Wounds *
7 Deflection *
8 Detect Disease
9 Detect Evil
10 Detect Harmony
11 Detect Magic
12 Detect Poison
13 Divining Rod
14 Know History
15 Omen
16 Purify Food and Drink
17 Resist *
18 Snake Charm
19 Trance
20 Weapon Bless *

2nd Level
1 Aid
2 Chant *
3 Commune with Lesser Spirit
4 Create Spring
5 Detect Charm
6 Detect Life
7 Dream Sight
8 Enthrall
9 Hold Person
10 Holy Symbol
11 Know Motivation
12 Messenger *
13 Obscurement
14 Protection from Spirits
15 Request
16 Slow Poison *
17 Snake Summoning
18 Speak with Animals
19 Warning *
20 Withdraw

3rd Level
1 Castigate *
2 Cure Blindness
3 Cure Disease
4 Death's Door
5 Detect Curse
6 Dispel Magic *
7 Divination
8 Dream Vision
9 Feng Shui
10 Flame Walk *
11 Invisibility to Spirits
12 Know Alignment
13 Levitate
14 Magical Vestment
15 Oath
16 Possess Animal
17 Prayer *
18 Remove Curse
19 Remove Paralysis
20 Speak with Dead
21 Substitution

4th Level
1 Abjure
2 Cure Serious Wounds
3 Detect Lie
4 Detect Shapechanger
5 Endurance *
6 Exorcise
7 Fate
8 Neutralize Poison
9 Pacify
10 Penetrate Disguise
11 Polymorph Self
12 Protection from Evil, 10'
13 Reanimation
14 Remorse
15 Reward
16 Snake Barrier
17 Speak with Plants
18 Spell Immunity *
19 Sustain *
20 Tongues

5th Level
1 Advice
2 Air Walk
3 Atonement
4 Commune with Greater Spirit
5 Cure Critical Wounds
6 Dispel Evil *
7 Mental Strength *
8 Possess
9 Raise Dead *
10 Remember *
11 Strength *
12 True Seeing *

6th Level
1 Find the Path *
2 Force Shapechange
3 Heal
4 Immunity to Weapons *
5 Inanimate Servant
6 Instruct
7 Invisibility to Enemies
8 Longevity
9 Plane Shift
10 Quickgrowth
11 Smite *
12 Speak with Monsters *

7th  Level
1 Ancient Curse *
2 Astral Spell
3 Compel
4 Divine Wind
5 Exaction
6 Gate
7 Holy (Unholy) Word
8 Quest
9 Restore Spirit
10 Reincarnate
11 Ressurrection
12 Wind Walk