

L^: sh6
R#: 0
D^: P
C^: v
CT: 3t
S^: Neg.
A^: 9" radius

Effect: This spell fills the shukenja with great oratory ability, allowing him to explain the wonders of his religion to others.

When cast, the shukenja sermonizes about the precepts of his ethos, attempting to sway or
convert his listeners. For the duration of the spell casting, the shukenja is considered to have an 18 Charisma.
Furthermore, his words are inspired, providing hope and faith to all who listen. Everyone in the area of effect
must make a saving throw versus death. Those who successfully make the saving throw are unaffected by the
spell. Those who fail the roll are affected. They understand the true meaning of the shukenja's words and
become followers of his way. Their fervor is not violent or particularly strong (i.e., they do not become warriors
in the cause of the belief). Rather, they decide to gain more understanding and to make prayers and offerings to
the shukenja's deity without disrupting their normal lives. However, those who roll a 1 on the saving throw are
particularly moved by the sermon and offer special services or aid if needed. Such converts may become clerics
(if possible), provide land for a shrine, help construct a temple, etc. Those converted remain followers unless
they suffer great misfortune or mistreatment or the ethos (and its priests) abandon the area.

When using this spell before a large crowd, rolling individual saving throws can become quite tedious.
Therefore, the saving throw can be used as a percentage of the listeners affected. First, determine the average
saving throw of the crowd based on the levels or hit dice of those listening. This saving throw is then calculated
as a percentage, with 1 point of saving throw equal to 5 percentage points. Thus, a saving throw of 16 would
indicate that 25% of the crowd is unmoved by the spell, while the remaining 75% decide to adopt the shukenja's
beliefs. In addition, 5% of those listening are particularly moved as noted above. To give an example, say that
the shukenja instructs a crowd of 87 humans, all 0 level. The average saving throw is 16. Of those in the crowd,
65 are moved by the speech (round all fractions down) and 4 of the 65 are fervent in their belief. The DM may
wish to keep track of the number of converted NPCs compared to the total population of the village (or
whatever), especially if the characters are remaining in the same area for an extended period of time.
Once a character or creature has made a saving throw against this spell, that character or creature is
immune to the effects of the spell if used by the same shukenja. He has heard the shukenja say his piece and is
unmoved by the words.
