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Character Classes and Races - - - Oriental Adventures

Korobokuru are a race of Oriental dwarves. Living in vast jungles, snowy mountain forests, or barren
wilderness areas, they seldom come into contact with humans. Korobokuru prefer remote and forbidding sites
of great natural beauty. There they live in simple villages or camps, moving only when forced to by the advance
of human settlements.

In appearance korobokuru are about four feet tall, with arms and legs slightly longer in proportion to
their bodies than a human's. Most are bowlegged. Their arms and legs are hairy, and the men have sparse
beards. They have a wild, unkempt appearance. The majority are chaotic or neutral, although they have no
alignment restrictions.

Korobokuru can be barbarians, bushi, samurai, and wu jen. There are many more barbarians among
them than any other class. Korobokuru samurai are rare, since no korobokuru clans hold a position high enough
to be samurai. Korobokuru samurai must be sponsored by a human clan.

Korobokuru are by nature less susceptible to magic than the other races. They receive a saving throw
bonus of + 1 for every 41h points of Constitution when saving vs. magical rods, staves, wands; or spells. They
also receive the same bonus when saving vs. any type of poison.

Korobokuru have infravision with a range of 120 feet. They have a 66% chance to recognize and
identify any normal plant or animal. They receive a bonus of + 1 to hit bakemono, goblins, goblin rats, and
hobgoblins. Giants, oni, ogres, ogre magi, and titans suffer a penalty of -4 when trying to hit korobokuru.
Because of their small size, korobokuru cannot use the go-daichi (two-handed sword), any polearm other than
the naginata, or any bow but the horsebow. In general, they favor spears, bows, blowguns, and short swords.

All korobokuru are able to speak the language of their tribe, the trade language, the language of the
spirit-folk, and the language of hengeyokai. They do not speak any alignment languages and cannot learn any
other; additional languages.

Korobokuru gain a bonus of + 1 to their initial Strength and Constitution scores but lose 2 from their
initial Intelligence score. The increased scores cannot exceed 19 nor be lower than 8, 12, or 3, respectively.
Culturally, korobokuru are much less advanced than most of their human neighbors. They hunt and tend
small farms in secluded areas, and create simple pieces of art and craft. They normally avoid human contact.
Because of this (and the general conceit of humans), humans consider korobokuru to be backward primitives,
and rarely accept them as full members of human society. They are typically seen as rude, pugnacious, boastful,
and somewhat comical by the rest of the world.

Korobokuru organize themselves into families and clans much the same way humans do. Player
characters must belong to a family, either assigned by the DM or designed by the player.

4. AGE:

<below is for halfling: use this template for the 3 OA races>
    STRENGTH: 6/17
    WISDOM: 3/17
    DEXTERITY: 8/19
    CHARISMA: 3/18
RACISM, Hairfoot (HH): Neutral (duergar, svirfneblin, half-orcs), Tolerant (AG: -5%: hill dwarves, mountain dwarves, gray elves, high elves, valley elves, wild elves, wood elves, surface gnomes, half-elves, humans), Antipathy (L: -5%, AG: -10%: drow), Preferred (L: +20%, AG: +15%: all halflings).
RACISM, Stout (HS):
RACISM, Tallfellow (HT):
STARTING AGE: Druid (40+3d4), Fighter (20+3d4), Thief (40+2d4)
AGE CATEGORIES: Young adult (23-33), Mature (34-68), Middle-aged (69-101), Old (102-144), Venerable (145-199)
HEIGHT, M: 36. 01-10 (-d3), 11-90 (d100, 01-30 = -d3(/2), 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d3(/2)), 91-00 (+d6).
HEIGHT, F: 33. 01-10 (-d3), 11-90 (d100, 01-30 = -d3(/2), 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d3(/2)), 91-00 (+d3).
WEIGHT, M: 60. 01-10 (-2d4), 11-50 (d100, 01-30 = -d4, 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d4), 51-00 (+2d6).
WEIGHT, F: 50. 01-10 (-2d4), 11-50 (d100, 01-30 = -d4, 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d4), 51-00 (+2d4).

<update the above by adding a field for languages, and numbering the fields>