(WG: Dwur)

Hill Dwarf Mountain Dwarf Gray Dwarf Krynn Hill Dwarf Krynn Mountain Dwarf
- - Gully Dwarf (Aghar) - -

The race of dwarves typically dwells in hilly || mountainous regions.
For details of the race in general the reader is referred to AD&D, MM.
As player characters, both dwarves and their cousins the "mountain dwarves" can be considered.

Summary of Dwarvish Racial Abilities:

  • +1 CON, -1 CHA (with respect to all but dwarves)
  • +1 to hit against goblins, half-orcs, hobgoblins, and orcs
  • +1 bonus per 3.5 point of CON to saves vs. magic && poison
  • -4 penalty to any attacks made against the dwarf by giants, ogres, ogre mages, titans, and trolls

  • - OSRIC


    Q. Is it possible for a dwarven PC
    to have a CON of 19
    if aging bonuses and/or magickal
    adjustments are taken into account?
    A. Yes.  It is entirely possible for a dwarf
    to have a CON of 19.  Details of
    the adjustments to be applied to HP
    etc can be found on p6-7 of the
    DEITIES & DEMIGODS Cyclopedia.
    In passing it is worth knowing that
    some of these higher abilities may
    only be applied to divine beings.
    (Imagine #9)

    Permitted class options: A character of the dwarven race can be a fighter (maximum of 9th level),
    a thief, or an assassin (maximum of 9th level).

    Ability Score Cleric (All) Fighter (Hill) Fighter (Mtn/Gray) Thief (All) Assassin (All)
    15 8 6 7 U 9
    16 9 6 7 U 9
    17 10 7 8 U 9
    18 11 8 9 U 9
    18/99 - 8 9 - 111
    18/00 - 9 10 - 122
    19 13 10 11 U 122
    20 16 12 13 U 122
    21 18 15 16 U 122

    1: Intelligence 18 and dexterity 19 also required
    2: Intelligence 19 and dexterity 19 also required

    SA: Dwarven clerics or fighter/clerics who have attained max. level in the cleric class may be able to make some permanent magic items via the cleric class.

    Multi-class restrictions:

    It is also possible for a dwarven character to opt to work simultaneously in the fighter && thief classes;
    in the latter event the dwarf will be limited to the armor permitted
    a thief when performing any functions of that class. <thieves can wear any armor: cf. UA>
    Xperience will always
    be divided between the two classes also, even though the dwarf may no
    longer advance upwards in fighting ability level. (Complete info
    regarding this subject is given hereunder in the section dealing with

    Saving Throw Bonuses: Because of their very nature, dwarves are non-magical and do not ever
    use magical spells. However, this nature gives them a bonus with regard to
    their saving throws (see COMBAT, Saving Throws) against attacks by
    magic wands, staves, rods and spells. This bonus is + 1 for every 31/2 points
    of CON ability. Thus, if a dwarf had a constitution of 7 he or she
    would gain a +2 on dice rolls made as saving throws, at 14 constitution
    the bonus would be +4, and at 18 constitution the bonus would be the
    maximum normally possible, +5.

    Similarly, dwarves have exceptional constitutional strength with regard to
    toxic substances, ingested or injected. Therefore, all dwarven characters
    make saves against poison in the same manner and with the same
    bonuses as they do against magical attacks from wands, staves, rods, and

    Languages: All dwarves are able to speak the following languages (q.v.): dwarven,
    gnome, goblin, kobold, and orcish; in addition, dwarven characters are
    able to speak the "common tongue" of all humankind. However, except
    for their alignment language (see ALIGNMENT), they are unable to learn
    more than two additional languages regardless of their intelligence

    Infravision: Dwarves are able to see radiation in the infra-red spectrum, so they can
    see up to 60' in the dark noting varying degrees of heat radiation. This
    ability is known as "infravision".

    Detection Abilities:

    Dwarves are miners of great skill. They are able to detect the following <Free miner skill for dwarves?>
    facts when within 10' or less of the particular phenomenon (except
    determination of approximate depth, which can be done at any distance):
    Detect grade or slope in passage, upwards or downwards 75% probability (d4, score 1-3)
    Detect new construction or passage/tunnel 75% probability
    Detect sliding or shifting walls or rooms 66 2/3% probability (d6, score 1-4)
    Detect traps involving pits, falling blocks andother stonework 50% probability (d4, score 1-2 or d6, score 1-3)
    Determine approximate depth underground 50% probability

    Note that the dwarven character must be actively seeking to determine the
    phenomenon in question in order to be able to determine the answer; the
    information does not simply spring to mind unbidden.

    Combat Bonuses:

    In melee combat (see COMBAT), dwarves add 1 to their dice rolls to hit
    opponents who are half-orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, or orcs. When being
    attacked by ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, and/or titans, dwarves subtract
    4 from their opponents' "to hit" dice rolls because of the dwarves' small
    size and combat ability against these much bigger creatures.

    As has already been noted, dwarven characters get a bonus of 1 added to
    their initial constitution ability, and a penalty of 1 on their charisma score
    due to racial characteristics. It is very important to note the actual charisma
    score prior to racial adjustment, however, for dwarven characters do not
    suffer charisma penalties, nor are they limited to a 16 CHA max.
    with regard to their own race. For example, let us suppose a player who
    has rolled a charisma score of 18 decides to have a dwarven character,
    thus reducing charisma score by 1 due to racial characteristics. However,
    the highest score possible for a dwarf is 16 (see CHARACTER ABILITIES,
    CHARISMA TABLE), so the character's charisma score is recorded as 16
    (18), the parenthetical number being the actual score rolled. With regard
    to non-dwarven henchmen, the character is limited to a maximum of 8,
    but with regard to dwarves the character has a score of 18 charisma, so up
    to 15 henchmen would serve the character if the additional servitors (over
    and above 8) were themselves dwarves.

    Question: Are there any alignment restrictions for dwarves?
    The MM says they are LG.

    Answer: Many of the particulars of the MM description of
    dwarves are intended only to strictly apply to NPC dwarves.
    Alignment is one of these particulars: Not all
    PC dwarves have to be LG, just like not all
    PC dwarves have to have just one HD, and not <mountain dwarves have 1+1 HD>
    all player character dwarves will be “Very” intelligent.
    No PC race is restricted as to what alignment a
    member of that race can be. The only restrictions placed on
    races concern what classes they can become — and some of
    those classes have alignment restrictions, but that’s a different
        A PC dwarf can be a thief, an assassin, or a <hill or mountain dwarf>
    fighter, or certain combinations of those classes. If all dwarves
    had to be LG, no dwarf would be able to be a thief or
    assassin. PC dwarves can theoretically be of any
    alignment, as long as it fits the rules for the class(es) they
    belong to.
        NPC dwarves, as described in the MM, are considered differently.
    NPC dwarves will be pre-
    dominantly, if not exclusively, LG in alignment. Virtual-
    ly all of them, except for leader types, will have no more than 1
    HD, and virtually all of them will be above average in intelli- <mountain dwarves have 1+1 HD>
    gence. Also note that the MM makes no mention of dwarven
    thieves or assassins being encountered in a large group; all of
    the higher-level dwarves in a group of NPCs are either fighters
    or fighter/clerics. If you play NPC dwarves “by the book,” there
    can never be dwarven thieves or assassins, and if those charac-
    ter types are included in an adventure or a campaign, the
    MM information (at least with regard to alignment,
    armor and weaponry in this instance) will have to be “modified”

    Question: Do dwarves rise to the 7th or 8th level of clerical ability?
    The DDG™ Cyclopedia (p. 108) and the MM (p. 35) either state or imply that 7th is the maximum,
    but the PH (p. 14) says 8th.

    Answer: In his general article on dwarves in this issue of DRAGON
    Magazine, Roger Moore suggests one logical answer to this
    problem: To resolve the discrepancy, it can be ruled that
    dwarven clerics with 18 wisdom can ascend to 8th level, while
    all others are limited to 7th level. In the final analysis, whether a
    campaign includes 8th-level dwarven clerics or not (regardless
    of wisdom score) is a matter of choice and circumstance. Per-
    haps, if your campaign was begun with a pre-generated band of
    dwarves that includes characters who have 7th-level clerical
    ability (as per the MM), you might allow the possi-
    bility of those characters rising to 8th level. But such an ad-
    vancement, if it is even possible, would take decades of game
    time to achieve. According to the age determination charts in
    the DMG, dwarven clerics who are estab-
    lished as NPCs are already almost 300 years old. If a dwarf has
    spent, say, 200 years rising from 1st level to as high as 7th level
    in clerical ability, then the advancement from 7th to 8th level is
    certainly not going to come about “overnight.”
    (Correction: PCs can be dwarven clerics)
    (Correction: Dwarven clerics with 18 Wisdom can rise to 11th level .. or, all the way up to 18th level with a 21 Wisdom).

    * * *
    Question: Can a dwarf use a long sword in one hand?
    A dwarf is too short to use a bastard sword one-handed.
    Can a dwarf use it two-handed, and if so, does he strike every other round with it?

    Answer: Whether a dwarf can use or carry any sword longer than a
    short sword is a matter of conjecture and contention. Certainly,
    a dwarf is capable of lifting and swinging a long sword,
    a broad sword, or a bastard sword. But the shortest of these weapons is
    almost as tall as the average dwarf. This makes such weapons
    unwieldy, even in the hands of a dwarf (or other diminutive
    humanoid) with above average strength or dexterity. No dwarf
    in his right mind would try to carry such a weapon around with
    him, unless he enjoys being overly encumbered and likes wear- <the statement about 'overly encumbered' doesn't hold true>
    ing his scabbard belt up around his shoulders. Any dwarf who
    tries to take a long sword down the dungeon steps is probably
    going to clank and clatter so much that he’ll be a walking lure <impose a MS penalty?>
    for wandering monsters. Other PCs aren’t going
    to put up with this sort of situation for very long, if at all.
    If a dwarf finds himself unarmed in the midst of melee and
    there’s a long sword lying on the floor nearby, nothing’s to
    prevent him from grabbing it and flailing away. But he isn’t
    going to wield it well: For one thing, he can’t possibly be profi- **
    cient in the use of such a weapon. And in addition to the
    customary penalty for non-proficiency, the DM might justifia-
    bly tack on penalties to the weapon speed factor, its adjustment
    against certain armor classes, and its damage figure. Even if a
    dwarf is able to manipulate a long sword or broad sword and
    score a hit despite all the penalties attached to the attempt, he
    might be unable to bring the weapon to bear on a TARGET with
    any more effectiveness than if he were wielding a short sword
    — and perhaps the damage figure would be adjusted even
    lower (for instance, a maximum of 1-6 per hit against any size

    Whether or not a dwarf can use a long sword or a broad sword
    with one hand, or a bastard sword with two hands, is a topic that
    calls for more interpretation by the DM. If you choose to allow a <c.f. Dragon #127>
    dwarf to employ a long sword with one hand, then you’ll have to
    make a different set of penalties for one-handed or two-handed
    use of the weapon, and make the one-handed penalties stiff
    enough so that it’s highly advisable to use the weapon with both
    hands if it is used at all. The penalties that might accrue to a
    dwarf trying to use a bastard sword with both hands might be so
    great as to make it mathematically impossible for the character
    to score a hit — but that shouldn’t prohibit him from trying. He’ll
    learn his lesson soon enough, if he survives that long.
    In matters like this, where the rules provide no specific allow-
    ances or prohibitions, logic and common sense must rule. It is
    enough for a Dungeon Master to discourage the use of long
    swords by dwarves by administering logical and sensible pen-
    alties to the attempt, rather than issuing an outright proclama-
    tion against such activity. Let players do what they want, as
    long as they’re willing to pay the price...

    Q: If a dwarven character and a
    human character got married and
    had kids, wouldn't their offspring
    be half-dwarves? What would the
    racial characteristics of half-dwarves

    A: We suppose that a human and a dwarf
    would produce a half-dwarf, if they could
    produce a child at all. Such a child, however,
    might be either a tall, hairless dwarf
    or a short, hairy human, as there are no
    half-dwarves in the AD&D game. While it
    is possible to create more crossbreeds
    than are already present in the AD&D
    game, we recommend that you stick with
    the ones in the rules.

    <Mountain Dwarves: These creatures are similar to their cousins, the hill dwarves, detailed above.

    The only differences are size (4 1/2’+ tall), HD (1 + 1), and coloration (typically lighter with brown hair).
    They employ fewer crossbows (20% maximum) and more spears (30%).
    Mountain dwarves with 16 strength can work up to 7th level, with 17 strength to 8th level, and with 18 strength to 9th level.
        <note that the level info seems to be redundant (exact same as PH, and could be edited)> Mountain dwarves have a life span of 400 or more years.>
        <correct? : the only other difference between a hill dwarf and a mountain dwarf is in terms of age categories, if one is only going by the MM+PH+DMG>
        [this all the info for mountain dwarves I could find in the core 3 books. for PCs, maybe it is best that all dwarves play by the same rules, excepting those for size and age]

    DMG: Dwarves tend to be dour and taciturn.
    They are given to hard work and care little for most humor.
    They are strong and brave, but they also enjoy beer, ale, mead, and even stronger drink.
    Their chief love, however, is precious metal, particularly gold.
    They also enjoy gems, of course, particularly those of opaque nature (except pearls which they do not like)
        and diamonds.
    They like the earth and dislike the sea.
    Considering that their women tend to be bearded too,
        it is not surprising that some dwarves are somewhat forward in their behavior towards females not so adorned.
    If dwarves are a trifle suspicious and avaricious,
        they generally make up for such faults by their courage and tenacity.
    racial defaults, affects encounter reaction (ie. you TALK to a group of dwarves)
        TRAIT \ GENERAL TENDENCY: suspicious
        TRAIT \ MATERIALISM: avaricious
        TRAIT \ BRAVERY: brave

            TRAIT \ PERSONALITY: 7-8 = introverted (use for named NPCs only)

    note: in general, for a monster, just make TEMPLATE entries for those characteristics that have a 1e source.
    in other words, the TRAIT statblock extension is always a 'partial statblock'
    in general, NPCs, in the sense of named NPCs, are the only ones who get a 'full statblock' for TRAITS


    AT A GLANCE: The Dwarves of the FR
    are a short, stocky people
    who seem to be a part of the earth
    itself, ranging in shade && hue from a
    rich earth-red to a granite-stone grey.
    Dour and with a strong distrust
    towards magic beyond that which a
    magical axe can lend, they tend to be a
    withdrawn, sullen people.

    ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Like the elves,
    the Dwarves are a people whose numbers
    have been dwindling. In their case,
    the overall population has been declining
    since the days when the dragons
    controlled the lands of Cormyr, and the
    Sunrise Mountains still spouted flames
    and steam.

    The reason for this decline is twofold;


    Shield Dwarf


    Gold Dwarf


    Dwarven tombs of the Realms (Dragon #224)

    01-04 Bissel
    05-06 Dyvers
    07-08 Furydondy
    09-12 Geoff
    13-16 Gran March
    17-18 Great Kingdom
    19-20 Greyhawk
    21-24 Highfolk
    25-26 Ideee
    27-28 Irongate
    29-34 Onnwal
    35-38 Theocracy of the Pale
    39-42 Perrenland
    43-46 Ratik
    47-48 Spindrift Isles
    49-54 Sterich
    55-59 Sunndi
    60-63 Tenh
    64-66 County of Ulek
    67-78 Principality of Ulek
    79-80 County of Urnst
    81-83 Duchy of Urnst
    84-90 Wild Coast
    91-94 Yeomanry
    95 Gnarley Forest
    96 Grandwood Forest
    97-00 Welkwood

    The Dwarven Point of View
    by Roger Moore

    As AD&D™ players
    know, the dwarves are a
    human-like race, standing
    about 4 feet high but weighing as
    much as 150 pounds or so
    due to their broad build and
    musculature. Most people
    also know that dwarves pre-
    fer living underground in cav-
    erns and mines, they value
    gold highly, and they have
    beards (female dwarves are
    also said to be bearded).

    Their use of axes and ham-
    mers as weapons and their
    hatred of orcs and giants is also familiar.
    However, this limited amount of informa-
    tion is the extent of most people’s aware-
    ness and knowledge of dwarves.

    Scattered throughout the AD&D books
    and a number of other sources are other
    bits of information regarding this poorly
    understood race — information that may
    mean little in itself, but when put togeth-
    er presents in some detail an interesting
    portrait of a distinctly different race, one
    that does not share our human values
    and feelings on the topics of life and liv-
    ing. Much of the difficulty in getting to
    understand dwarves is due directly to
    their habit of separation from the affairs
    of other races. The dwarves are very
    much a race apart.


    One of the most striking features of
    dwarven society is the inequality in num-
    bers of males vs. females. Two out of
    three dwarves are male at birth, and this
    ratio continues to hold true as dwarves
    get older. The effect this has upon them
    reaches into nearly every aspect of their
    lives. Most male dwarves do not marry,
    but instead devote their lives to careers
    as craftsmen, miners, adventurers, and
    so forth.

    <that is not a dwarf>
    <maybe a gnome from the Kron Hills>
    <dwarven women have beards>

    Dwarves who do enter into marriage
    become exceedingly jealous and pos-
    sessive of their partners, restricting the
    freedom each has in exchange for a life
    of devotion to each other and their child-
    ren. Yet, though roughly half of all male
    dwarves are destined to go through life
    as bachelors, they do not appear overly
    sad or frustrated. Their careers fill their
    daily lives as completely as would the
    presence of a wife, and appear to give
    them much the same satisfaction (par-
    ticularly in the metal-working and jewel-
    er crafts, for reasons to be given later).
    How would a human society cope with
    an excess of males such as this? History
    reveals that at times such as this, human
    societies turn to warfare or extreme vio-
    lence in order to bring the sexual imbal-
    ance back to normal. For dwarvenkind,
    however, a male-to-female ratio of 20 to
    1 is normal.

    Some dwarves, male and female alike,
    would not marry even if they had the
    chance, so immersed are they in their
    work. The greatest heroes and heroines
    of dwarvenkind have almost always been
    single, as marriage means the end of any
    outside occupations, especially adven-
    turing. For a married dwarf to adventure
    or otherwise spend a lot of time out of the
    home is seen as a shirking of responsibil-
    ities and a disgraceful insult to the other
    partner of the lowest order, in effect say-
    ing that the partner (be it he or she) is not
    worthy of the other’s affections. Much of
    this feeling is caused and reinforced by
    the basically lawful good nature of the
    dwarven fold.

    By and large, dwarves are seen as pos-
    sessive, single-minded, perhaps having
    a narrow range of interests, yet throwing
    all their energies into the seeking of their
    goals. Dwarves are clannish,
    more so than most other rac-
    es, and few make a habit of
    spending a lot of time among
    the company of non-dwarves
    for long periods of time.

    <that is not a dwarf>
    <maybe a gnome from the Kron Hills>
    <dwarven women have beards>

    A strong streak of material-
    ism is present in the dwarven <materialism: not average>
    character, and they are some-
    times notoriously jealous of
    what the own. Dwarves tend
    to hoard their wealth, spending money
    only to make more money, and are very
    watchful of thieves, real and suspected.
    In dwarven society, there is but one pe-
    nalty for pickpockets and burglars, and
    that is death — unless, of course, the
    thief is working for the dwarves against
    someone else.

    Many dwarves are rather vengeful, and <nature: vengeful, -d4>
    remember slights or insults long after
    they have ceased to matter to anyone
    else. They may well take opportunities to
    redress the situation when their enemies
    have been lulled into complacency. Lit-
    tle wonder that other races sometimes
    distrust dwarves more than they do goblins.
    Who knows, they ask, what a dwarf
    is really thinking of you?

    To other intelligent races, dwarves are
    humorless, “dour and taciturn” (as the <personality.introverted.taciturn, -d8>
    DMG puts it), and loveless except for a
    lust for more and more gold. Such is not
    true; there is much joy in a dwarf’s life in
    such things as the birth of a child, the
    crafting of a beautiful jewel, or the forg-
    ing and finishing of a great suit of armor
    or a matchless weapon.

    Yet, it is true that for the most part, the
    life of a typical dwarf is fraught with
    ceaseless toil and labor; the dwarves’
    work ethic makes the human conception
    of the same concept appear lackadaisi-
    cal. They pay a price for this drive, in
    terms of the many lines that fill their fac-
    es as they age. This price, however, is
    seen as a badge of honor among dwarves,
    and adds in some sense to their satisfac-
    tion with themselves. Other races don’t
    always see it this way (especially the
    elves, who would be sorely distressed to
    have to live such serious and hard-
    working lives). Those few who do admire
    the dwarves and uphold their achieve-
    ments publicly will come to win their
    cautious gratitude, and in time may be
    counted in some manner as an “honor-
    ary dwarf” if they continue to actively
    support and champion dwarven causes.

    Interestingly enough, there is some
    element of humor in the dwarven charac-
    ter, of a nature particular to themselves.
    Whenever dwarves have been responsi-
    ble for the rescuing of persons of other
    races, there is inevitably some jesting
    and joshing to the effect that the victims
    wouldn’t have had to be rescued if they’d
    been dwarves, or that the dwarves fail to
    understand what was so awful about the
    situation (regardless of how bad it was).
    Though two demons, a dragon, and an
    entire tribe or orcs be slain in the con-
    quest, and the dwarves be immensely
    proud among themselves, they may put
    on a casual front to other races, and
    would appear to treat the whole episode
    as a light romp in the afternoon sun.

    With all this in mind, one understands
    how dwarves on the whole have such low
    charismas when interacting with other
    races. Yet, on the positive side, dwarves
    possess a powerful tenacity, driving on
    when others have given up and left the
    race. Lejends and tales abound of
    dwarves who dared the greatest obsta-
    cles and dangers in reaching for their
    goals, either to emerge victorious or end
    up utterly destroyed. A thing is either
    done or it is not, and there is no halfway
    about it. Dedication like this can often
    make the difference between success
    and failure for adventuring parties. Such
    an attitude can prove to be a great mo- <+5, or +10 morale?>
    rale boost for groups of adventurers,
    particularly LG ones. How could
    one avoid winning, with a dwarf on one’s

    The natural tendency to suspicious- <general tendency: suspicious, -d8>
    ness in the dwarven nature has saved
    enterprises from disaster, much more
    often than it has led to the missing of a
    good opportunity. Dwarves take a great
    interest in seeing that the party and its
    valuables are secure from loss — a great-
    er interest than most other peoples can
    willingly muster.

    Dwarves abhor slavery and all forms of <exception: duergar>
    involuntary servitude; they never prac-
    tice it among their own kind or against
    other races. Foes are either made to
    leave the AREA, coexist peacefully if they
    elect to stay, or else are slain. Those who
    make a practice of enslaving dwarves
    run the gravest risks; other dwarves who
    find this out will lay aside all differences
    to unite and destroy them, in a fairly
    short time, if at all possible.

    Dwarves are one of the toughest of
    races, perhaps the most so. Poisonous
    substances don’t affect them as much as
    they do other races. Dwarves do not use
    any magical spells, but this has proved to
    be a saving grace at times — such as
    when cursed rings fail to function when
    worn, giving them a chance of recogniz-
    ing the cursed enchantments. Magical
    spells and magical effects of other sorts
    may be more strongly resisted by dwarves
    because of their non-magical natures.
    Their strength is also considerable and
    in battle serves to offset their short
    height. Though dwarves are not as agile <Method V: take this into consideration>
    as other races, this doesn’t appear to af-
    fect them greatly in any way.

    Earlier it was said that dwarves are a
    race apart. Indeed, they were created
    that way. The god Moradin, the Father of
    the Dwarves, is said to have fashioned
    them secretly of iron and mithral, in a
    forge in the fires at the heart of the world.
    No other god suspected what was hap-
    pening, it is told, and when dwarves ap-
    peared upon the world the event was
    cause for great surprise among the other
    deities. Being a solitary god himself, it
    may be guessed that Moradin preferred
    it this way.

    Moradin was able, through his skills,
    to give souls to the dwarves when he
    breathed upon them at their creation
    (also cooling them as they were taken
    from the furnace). This sets the dwarves
    in a group with only humans, gnomes,
    and halflings for company, of beings
    with souls instead of spirits (see the
    DDG™ Cyclopedia for
    clarification of these terms).

    Because they are built from the sub-
    stance of the earth itself, dwarves feel a
    strong affinity for the lands that lie under
    the ground, and they base their lives on
    working with the earth’s resources.

    One is struck, in the study of dwarven
    theology, by the relationship between
    procreation and metalcraft; perhaps
    more than one dwarven smith has looked
    upon a finished piece of work and felt as
    if he’d breathed life into the metal and
    given it a soul of sorts, as Moradin did so
    long ago. Some of the most popular
    dwarven-told tales concern an ancient
    smith who was able to do exactly that,
    somehow investing his creations with a
    life of their own. The story ends similarly
    to the Greek tale of Pygmalion and Galatea,
    with the smith fashioning a female
    dwarf from the most precious of metals
    and having her come to life. Thereafter,
    of course, they were married and he
    ceased to bother with his crafts, being
    now content.

    Moradin is a proud and possessive
    god, who owns a hammer and armor that
    cannot be stolen or used by any other
    deity in the universe. It is clear that a part
    of him lives on in all dwarves. The em-
    phasis on materialism is difficult for
    dwarves to rid themselves of. They feel
    that if they want a thing they must have it
    before them, be it a person, object, or
    experience. Fond memories do not suf-
    fice, and sometimes only serve to psy-
    chologically torture the dwarf, because
    he or she may be physically unable to
    obtain the thing again. Either a dwarf has
    something or he/she does not.

    Lust for treasure motivates dwarven
    thieves more so than it does thieves of
    other races; little do dwarves care what
    was done to get the item. Because of the
    unequivocal penalties for stealing from
    other dwarves, dwarven thieves base
    most of their livelihood on stealing from
    other races (thereby worsening already
    touchy relationships). The knowledge
    that dwarves go through life only once
    (souls cannot be “recycled” as spirits
    can be) may also fuel the desire to get all
    one can out of life before one goes. (Or,
    as an infamous dwarven thief once put it,
    “Ya gotta reach for all the gusto ya can.”)

    When a dwarf dies, it is considered a
    dishonor for the body to go unburied.
    Dwarven communities bury their dead in
    great stone vaults after ceremonial cremation,
    symbolically returning the body
    to the Forge of Moradin and then to the
    earth, while the soul is freed to make its
    journey to the Outer Planes. The burial of
    weapons, armor, and magical items with
    the ashes, as well as gold and jewelry, is
    not common and is done only for dwarves
    of great importance.

    The long-standing rivalry between
    dwarves and orcs, goblins, and giants,
    reflected in the combat skills dwarves
    have against these types and races of
    creatures, doubtless points to older ri-
    valries between Moradin and the gods of
    those non-human creatures.

    An investigation of theology reveals
    that hill giants are probably the greatest
    traditional dwarven enemies. For use
    against these huge folk,
    the clerics of Moradin may manufacture
    +3 Dwarven Thrower war hammers,
    something no other race can make.

    In the DMG (p. 16) there is a comment
    to the effect that dwarves are more “for-
    ward” in their behavior toward females
    without beards, since dwarven women
    tend to be bearded too. This author
    would like to suggest that this statement
    be disregarded. It was not clear whether
    dwarven females or females of other ra-
    ces are being referred to, and in any case
    dwarves are not at all prone to mate with
    others outside their race. Those persons
    who have had the audacity to ask dwarves
    whether they like bearded or unbearded
    women best have usually been given
    stony stares — or, if the pollster is per-
    sistent and obnoxious enough, a first-
    hand demonstration of the high quality
    of the dwarven-made battleaxe and the
    skill with which one can be wielded.

    Such information was not meant to be
    spread about indiscriminately. It may be
    conjectured that such matters are left to
    the personal preferences of each dwarf.

    Dwarf Warrior

    Two discrepancies appear in the var-
    ious AD&D volumes concerning dwarves.

    Though dwarves may become psionic,
    Moradin is not; this may be accepted as
    Moradin’s way of keeping his thoughts
    to himself, however.

    There is also the
    question of whether dwarven clerics
    (who must be fighters as well) can reach
    7th or 8th level; this author strongly fa-
    vors the idea that truly exceptional dwar-
    ven clerics may reach the 8th level if they
    have an 18 wisdom. Otherwise they can
    only become 7th-level clerics.
    (Correction: Dwarven clerics with a Wisdom of 18 can become 11th level clerics. See Table II.A.)

    Information for this article was taken
    from the PH, the MM, the DMG,
    and the DDG. Paul H. Kocher’s book, Master of
    Middle-Earth (Ballantine Books, paper-
    back), was also helpful, though it con-
    cerns J.R.R. Tolkien’s version of dwarves
    and not the conception of them given in
    the AD&D rules.

    Dungeon Masters may use this article
    to standardize the roles and personali-
    ties of dwarven NPCs in his or her cam-
    paign, and players may use this informa-
    tion in role-playing their characters if
    they like. This article is a set of guide-
    lines for playing dwarven characters,
    and not a set of rules.

    Dwarven Clothing (Greyhawk):
    Dwarven folk love shades of brown, red and gray
    contrasted with a bright splash of color and picked
    out with as much precious metal as they can possibly
    wear. Leather is a favorite material, with wool being
    popular also. Dwarves wear clothing similar to that of
    the Oeridians.


    Well Great!

    Funny that you should ask that question, as I just posted to that topic on the EN World boards a ccouple of weeks back. Read all about it at:

    The short answer is YES.
    All female dwarves have beards 


    FWIW, I envisage dwarves with shell-like ears ala humans, only proportionately larger. - Gary


    DMPrata wrote:
    On a related note, what do you think it would take to get one of those pokey, curmudgeony, bearded types onto a horse to keep up with the rest of his party?

    As for mounts, would you believe pony horses or ponies? 



    PapersAndPaychecks wrote:
    I've never understood the thing about dwarfs not wanting to ride horses. Did that start with Dragonlance?

    Short, burley people with short legs do not make good horsemen 

    A small horse or a pony makes the task easier.


    <that does not look like a dwarf!>
    <is he a gnome from the Kron Hills?>

    Fid wrote:
    Well that changes things after 20+ years of play! 
    Not really though. On most of our dungeon delves the party (which always seemed to include a Dwarf ot two) was always at a 6" anyway because there were humans in plate mail. The faster bases only played a part when the human mage and elven thief had to run a way!!!!

    How many dwarves do NOT clank around in armor and encumbered with shield and weapon in addition to their dungeon gear?


    Movement Rate:

    Gary, one more if I may, and then I promise to leave you be for a few days.  In an earlier discussion of movement rates, you mentioned that you felt 9" was a good base movement rate for an unarmored dwarf, gnome, or halfling (and someone recently brought to my attention that this was done with a pre-generated dwarven PC in S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth). Human PCs have their movement cut in 3" increments as their encumbrance increases -- 12", 9", 6", 3-4" (per Players Handbook). How would you suggest reducing the dwarf's movement rate? A few ideas that I've seen bounced around:

    9", 6", 3", 1"


    9", 6", 4", 2"


    9", 7", 5", 3"


    9", 9", 6", 3"

    How have you handled this?

    The movement rate deduction is in 25% streps, so for a dtyrdy dward I'd
    say the steps are as follows (one of the options you suggest):

    9", 7", 5" 3"


    Originally posted by MerricB
    Thanks muchly for the answers, Gary.

    Another question for you:

    Do female beards have dwarves? 

    The other thing I should say is to thank you very much for the gaming anecdotes you've been giving us in the "On a Soapbox" column in Dragon. (I can seem to remember wishing for stuff like that back when you first revealed yourself to us on these boards, and lo! it appeared!)

    Damn! I tried trolling this board a while back to see if I could get any anti-female-bearded-dwarf folks all het up. Lackaday! Seems that those folks have finally coped wise to the fact I was jesting.

    Glad to learn you enjoy those little tales of the old days of D&Ding. Thank Dave Gross for getting me started. I have only a few left, though. Likely I should be writing more now, but as nobody from DRAGON is hollering at me, I'll not worry... :rolleyes:



    Originally posted by ranix65

    How about it Gary, if I ever get it made, wanna play a dwarf lord?

    Heh, and why not? Of course I'd want to mug the camera like the guy in the D&D movie did


    Originally posted by Cias the Noble
    2. The Monster Manual seems to indicate that dwarves, gnomes, and halflings have a lower base movement rate than their human counterparts (even after armor considerations) but the PHB and DMG say nothing of this. Was this the original intent?

    Base movement rate for demi-humans is that shown for the race in the MM, and it was always used for such PCs in all the game material I did--my own campaign and in modules printed.


    Originally Posted by Gray Mouser
    I agree. Can't recall any mythologies that have elves, dwarves, etc. as having the upper hand against humans.
    Nor any fantasy literature, although I don't read as much of it as I used to.

    Just so.
    The Norse dwarves were like giants in their powers, and the French fey were as potent as fairies in some fairy tales.
    Neither is suitable for inclusion as a character race in a FRPG.


    Originally Posted by Barak
    While I fully agree with The Man's description of elves, obviously dwarves should be unlimited in levels. I can accept typos that deny that, including those forthcoming.

    BTW, I always thought elves level limitations were a bit high, myself.

    What? You think stubby rock-chewers should be more potent than the flighty ones of the forest? I am appaled!


    Originally Posted by Barak
    But big axes, which is why they hld their own, all things considered.

    You misspelled a**es 

    Originally Posted by Storm Raven
    And justified based upon their internal consistency. To my knowledge, no one has ever argued, for example, that Dwarves should not gain a Constitution bonus, because the reason they do is consistent with the background given for the race, and consistent with the mythological and literary background that the game draws upon. Level limits don't.

    As I said before, get a life and forget about all this silly quibbling. After all is siad and done, dwarves are so unbelievable as to be completely irrational. They live underground in caves and drink ale and eat meat. Where do their supplies come from? Where, outside of my assertion if D&D that they have a strong constitution, does that "logical" assumption come from. After all, they might be as fraail as vampires when it comes to sunlight, and that's why they live underground. Many a fairy tale portrays dwarves as wholly evil, as are the svartalves of Norse mythology.

    Originally Posted by Storm Raven
    Or, I guess I could just use game systems designed by people who put some thought behind their decisions. Since the level limit rule doesn't fit logically, and has all the earmarks of a pasted on quick-fix. If your reasoning as to why you did one thing rather than another is simply an arbitrary assertion, then you aren't nearly as astute an individual as many have taken you for.

    You might try putting your intellect to work right here for a change I am sure you have a keen one or you wouldn't be a gamer...


    Originally Posted by haakon1
    Last night after our game we went out to dinner . . . one of my friends told me in the computer gaming magazine "Penny Arcade", they had a cartoon about a computer gamer telling his friend: "This new D&D Online is like totally stealing ideas from World of Warcraft Online. How can they get away with copying elves and dwarves and all?" 

    I had a young female editor from a major NY publisher that was on the same panel as I at a con ask me how I could steal dwarves from Tolkien. I said:

    "Young lady, I'll have you know that I stole my dwarves from the same source the professor did, Norse mythology!"

    Tha audience laughed heartily, and she was basically silent thereafter.



    Originally Posted by SuStel

    Don't be silly! The offspring of a human and a halfling would obviously be a three-quarterling.


    A half-halfling should be a quartling as surely as all female dwarves have luxuriant beards!


    I wonder which sex among halflings has the hairiest feet.
    That's the ticket!
    Aha! At last. Now I will mark this place forever... or at least long enough for me to find it.
    +18 now

    A dwarven defender.


    As I have pointed out often in the past, has anyone ever seen a mythological or folklore depiction of a female dwarf that lacked chin whiskers?

    Yours for factual dwarven Physiognomy,


      His final post, still promoting the hirstuteness of female dwarves. What more is there to say?
      I love your game, Gary. Thank you.
      You are still missed Gary.
      Because he still isn't high enough level - and I realized I asked the next to the last question...
      Good bye, and thank you.
      13, 14, 15 thus far
      Final post :(
      Final post +
      Gary rocks from beyond the grave!
      twas the last post by Mr E. Gary Gygax.
      Missed but never Forgotten in any Realm. - Thank you Gary.


    ABILITY SCORE MODIFIERS: +1 CON, -1 CHA (not to dwarves), -1 COM (not to dwarves)
        STRENGTH: 8/18
        INTELLIGENCE: 3/18
        WISDOM: 3/18
        DEXTERITY: 3/17
        CONSTITUTION: 12/19
        CHARISMA: 3/16
        Preferred: Hill Dwarves
        Goodwill: Mountain Dwarves, Surface Gnomes, Stout Hobbits, Tallfellow Hobbits
        Tolerance: Hairfoot Hobbits
        Neutrality: Deep Gnomes, Half Elves, Humans
        Antipathy: Grey Dwarves, Grey Elves, High Elves, Valley Elves, Wild Elves, Wood Elves
        Hatred: Dark Elves, Half-Orcs
    STARTING AGE: Cleric (250+2d20), Fighter (40+5d4), Thief (75+3d6)
        Teenager (35-50): -1 WIS, +1 CON, +1 COM
        Mature (51-150): +1 STR, +1 CON, +2 COM
        Middle Aged (151-250): +1 INT, +1 WIS, -1 COM
        Old (251-350): -2 STR, +1 INT, +2 WIS, -2 DEX, -1 CON, -3 COM