
Protection From Spirits

L^: sh2
R#: T
D^: 3r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: Special
A^: 1" diameter

Effect: When CAST, this spell creates an invisible barrier around the recipient, preventing most spirits from entering the AREA of the circle.

Lesser spirits cannot enter this circle, although they can still fire missiles and magical spells into the area.
Lesser sprits have a -2 on their chance to hit and the characters gain a + 2 on saving throws from such magical attacks.

Greater spirits can enter the area if they make a successful saving throw versus death.
Only one save is allowed per spirit and an unsuccessful save indicates the greater spirit cannot break the barrier.
Greater spirits suffer a -1 on all to hit rolls and characters inside the area of effect gain a + 1 on all saving throws from their magical attacks.
Greater spirits that penetrate the circle also suffer a -1 on all saving throws.

Lesser spirits and greater spirits are identified in the Monster section found later in these rules.

MC: A ginkgo wand with paper prayer strips attached.
