
Reversible: Forget Past

L^: sh5
R#: T
D^: P
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: S
A^: Creature touched

Effect: This spell can be used for two purposes.

    * The first allows the shukenja to restore memories lost by
    amnesia, possession, forget, or other events that might cause a loss of memory.
    The spell instantly restores all lost memories of the character.

    ** The second form of the spell restores limited knowledge to the character of
    previous lives. This use is more difficult and requires the recipient of the spell to make a successful saving
    throw vs. death to take effect. If successful, the character gains some limited memories of his previous life as a
    different person (or possibly even as an animal). The main use of this version is to gain information about
    events in the distant past. These may reveal reasons for the character's current fortunes or information. about
    places and items long since forgotten. This is used most often when the DM has created an adventure where
    such information is hidden from the characters. Thus, if the player characters discover an incomplete ancient
    lejend describing some great treasure or past event, the remember spell can be used in an attempt to learn more
    information. The DM must decide if any useful information can be gained from this spell.

Forget Past: The reverse of this spell, forget past, causes the victim to lose knowledge of recent events.
For every level of the shukenja, one day's worth of memories is lost, starting with the most recent.
The victim does not forget spells memorized, however.
The victim is allowed a saving throw versus spell to avoid the effects of this spell.

MC: A metal mirror.
