Smoky Form

L^: wj2
R#: T
D^: 1t*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: Creature touched

Effect: This spell changes the wu jen and all he carries or any creature touched by him into a cloudy mass of smoke.

Unwilling creatures are allowed a save vs. Spell to avoid the effect.
The mass has roughly the same shape and appearance of the original creature,
but possesses the insubstantial properties of smoke. While in this form, the wu jen cannot be hurt
by weapons of +2 or less and can easily disappear into a mass of smoke
or fog. Spells cannot be CAST while in smoky form, nor can the character
take part in combat.

    The spell does not alter the dimensions of the character and cannot be
usesd to slip through cracks or other small openings. It does, however, give
the creature the weight properties of smoke. Thus, a wu jen in smoky form
could step off the top of a castle wall and gently drift to the ground below
without suffering any damage. While in smoky form, the creature is particularly
susceptible to winds. Light breezes push the smoky form about
while strong breezes can easily SWEEP him away. A gust of wind spell
causes 2d20 points of damage to the character. Wind breath causes twice
the normal amount of damage to a creature in smoky form and a [divine wind] destroys him utterly.

MC: A stick of burning incense.
