Snake Summoning
Effect: This spell allows the shukenja to summon all snakes, serpents, and serpent-like creatures within the AREA of effect.
Creatures with HD greater than the level
of the shukenja and those creatures with a high
intelligence are allowed a save vs. Spell
to avoid the effect. If the save is failed or the
creature not allowed a save, it comes
to the shukenja and follows him about, so long as the shukenja maintains
concentration on the spell. The creatures
makes no attempt to harm the shukenja or those with him, unless they
are attacked. Once attacked, the spell
is broken. The shukenja can move at half his normal movement rate
without breaking his concentration. At
the end of the spell, the serpents revert to their normal state, with all
consequences this may entail.
MC: A small silver flute which must be
played throughout the duration of the spell.