

L^: sh3
R#: 0
D^: S
C^: v.s.m
CT: 3t
S^: None
A^: S

Effect: After this spell is cast. the shukenja is able to transfer a limited amount of damage from himself to a
specially prepared figure of his deity.

Before casting the spell, the shukenja must first personally prepare a
statue of his deity from materials worth at least five ch'ien. In addition, every time the spell is cast, the shukenja
must present an offering suitable to his deity. When the spell is CAST, the statue is imbued with the power to
absorb from 1-4 hit points of damage the shukenja suffers, no matter where he may be. This substitution is
automatic, the first points of damage suffered are automatically absorbed by the statue. Repeated spells may be
cast on the same statue up to a limit of 20 hit points of damage transferred. The shukenja may never have more
than one such substitution in effect at any given time. When the shukenja is harmed, he bears no sign of the
damage. Instead it appears on the statue he has prepared. The statue cannot be healed and once all points are lost
a new statue must be prepared. This spell is empowered by the great faith and service of the shukenja to his
deity. Characters in questionable standing with their deity can never use this spell, as it is an act of compassion
from their deity.
