
Sword of Deception

L^: wj5
R#: 6" + 1"*
D^: 1r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 4s
S^: None
A^: One creature

Effect: This spell creates a shimmering pale green blade anywhere the caster desires within the range of the spell.

This sword hovers and dances in the air, striking of its own accord if the caster concentrates on it.
The sword strikes as if it were wielded by a samurai of the same level as the caster and causes 1d4 points of damage.
Since it is magical it can strike any creature hit only by magical weapons.
In addition to the damage done, each hit of the sword lowers the chances of the victim making his next saving throw by -1.
This effect is cumulative up to -5.
After this is reached, additional hits only cause damage.
The sword can be moved from creature to creature within the duration of the spell, but only one creature can be attacked at a time.
The save penalty remains in effect until the creature is forced to make a save in a dangerous situation.
Thus, a companion of the victim could not cast a relatively harmless spell on him to cancel the effect.
Remove curse, limited wish, and wish can be used to negate the effect.

MC: A miniature replica of a sword && a set of loaded dice.
