Remove Curse
Reversible: Bestow Curse

Level: c3, mu4, sh3, wj4
Range: T
Duration: P
Components: v.s
CT: c: 6, mu: 4, sh: 6, wj: 4 
Save: S
Area: S
psionic encounter: 25%

Effect: Upon casting this spell, the cleric is usually able to remove a curse
-- whether it be on an object, a person, or in the form of some undesired sending or evil presence.

Effect.exception: Note that the remove curse spell will not affect a cursed shield,
weapon or suit of armor,
for example,
although the spell will typically enable the person afflicted with any such cursed item to be rid of it.

Shukenja: The shukenja casting this spell may lift a curse upon an object, person,
or AREA. This spell does not affect cursed magical items, but allows those
carrying such items to discard them.

Wu Jen: Except as otherwise noted, this spell is similar to the 3d-level shukenja spell of the same name.

QUESTION: Is a curse removed at death so that when you are raised it is no longer with you?

ANSWER:It depends on the curse.
If it is for eternity, then you are stuck with it.
If it isn’t, then your DM will have to examine the curse and make a ruling.
Remember, his or her decision is final.
<cf. ancient curse>


Bestow Curse:

The reverse of the spell is not permanent;
the bestow curse lasts for 1 turn for every level of experience of the cleric using the spell.
It will lower one ability of the victim to 3 (your DM will determine which by random selection) 50% of the time;
reduce the victim’s “to hit” and saving throw probabilities by -4 25% of the time;
or make the victim 50% likely per turn to drop whatever he, she, or it is holding (or simply do nothing in the case of creatures not using tools) 25% of the time.
It is possible for a cleric to devise his or her own curse, and it should be similar in power to those shown. Consult your referee.
The target of a bestow curse spell must be touched. If the victim is ntouched, a saving throw is still applicable and if it is successful, the effect is negated.

Bestow Curse, Shukenja: To CAST spell's esrever, bestow curse,
the shukenja must touch the TARGET and the TARGET receives a save
which, if successful, negates the spell. The bestow curse lasts for
one turn for every level of the caster, and can have one of the following
01-50 Lower one ability (random choice) to 3.
51-75 Reduce TARGET's to hit && saves by -4.
76-00 Cause TARGET to DROP any object held.

Bestow Curse, Wu Jen: Except as otherwise noted, this spell is similar to the 3d-level shukenja spell of the same name.