
L^: wj8
R#: 48"
D^: 2-7r
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: 1/2
A^: Cone 36" tall & 
12" wide at top

Effect: This spell summons a powerful tornado or whirlwind anywhere within the AREA of effect.

When CAST, a
column of whirling air touches down at the point indicated by the caster. The tip has a 10-foot diameter.
Thereafter, if the wu jen continues to concentrate on the spell, he can attempt to move it in any direction desired
at the rate of 15" per round. To do this, the wu jen must make a successful save vs. paralysis. If the save
is failed, the wu jen has lost control of the whirlwind for the duration of the spell. Thereafter, each round the
whirlwind moves its full movement in a random direction.
    * Wooden buildings struck by the whirlwind have a 75% chance of being destroyed.
        If not destroyed, the building, although suffering damage, remains standing and can be repaired.
    * Stone buildings collapse only 15% of the time and damage suffered by those still standing is relatively minor.
    * Trees are uprooted 80% of the time and those not ripped out are battered and broken.

All creatures caught within the whirlwind must make a saving throw vs. death or suffer 6d10 points of
damage. If the saving throw is successful, the damage suffered is half this amount. In addition, on a roll of a
natural 20, the creature through some freak of nature is totally unscathed by the whirlwind even if all about him
is destroyed. The whirlwind always seeks to fill the area of effect. If cast underground or in a confined area it
almost certainly affects the caster as well. A control weather spell can be used to weaken the strength of the
whirlwind and two such spells cast with the same purpose cause it to disappear. Once the spell has been cast,
the whirlwind remains for the full duration of the spell. The caster cannot voluntarily end it.

MC: A child's top.