27. Smithy
A low dais here holds a wide, stone bowl heaped with hot coals
that cast an eerie glow over the area. The bowl is surrounded
by a visible haze and the reek of coal smoke. Next to the fiery
bowl stands a massive iron anvil set atop a stone pedestal. Opposite
the anvil lies a stone bench with a great leather bellows
and several hammers and sets of tongs heaped on it. A wooden
bin filled with coal stands next to the bench.

Wartslag, the bugbear blacksmith, lives and works here. Most of
his job consists of making shoes for the quarry’s mules and horses,
but he also creates or repairs all manner of iron or steel items. The
smith spends all his time here tinkering with metalwork, snoozing,
or playing knucklebones with his 2 goblin assistants.

Wartslag pays attention to what happens in areas 24 and 25,
including any comings and goings from areas 26 and 28. If he
notices trouble, he hides behind his forge, hoping to ambush intruders
who might come his way.

Wartslag (bugbear): AC 5; MV 9”; HD 3+1; hp 16 <19>; #AT 1; D 2–8
or 2–5 <+2> (hammer); SA surprise on a 1–3 on 1d6.
<S 17>
<THACO 15>
<XP 211>

Goblins (2): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1–1; hp 3 each <2 each>; #AT 1; D 1–6  <-1>
(short sword) or 1–4 <-1> (sling). 
<THACO 20>
<Total XP 32>

If Wartslag manages to surprise the intruders, he attacks the closest
opponent. Otherwise, he maneuvers away and chucks hammers
(he carries 3 with him and has 4 more on his workbench)
at lightly armored or unarmored foes until someone engages him
in melee.

Wartslag’s 2 goblin assistants use the forge as cover (+4 bonus
to AC) and attack with their slings for as long as they can.
If an enemy moves into melee range, they toss a stinkbomb they
created from animal <shit> and fungi. The bomb creates a cloud
that covers the whole dais and all the squares adjacent to it for
5 rounds. Anyone in the cloud (except for Wartslag and his assistants,
who have built up an immunity) becomes sickened and
weakened due to the stench unless the character makes a successful
save vs. poison. A failed save results in the loss of 1 point of
Strength per round for as long as the victim remains in the cloud
and for 1 round after the victim leaves the cloud. Strength loss
lasts for 10 rounds after the poison has taken its final effect.
