47. Old Diggings
This roughly triangular chamber has walls that glitter with small
bits of crystal embedded in the stone. To the east is a corridor
lined with side passages that branch to the south. From each
passage comes the irregular tapping of metal on stone.

The stone in this area is not good enough to be used as building
materials, but it contains veins of quartz. Brubgrok keeps a few
goblins busy here around the clock, digging out the precious and
semiprecious bits. A single goblin labors at the south end of each
side passage.

Goblins (4): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1–1; hp 3 <2> each; #AT 1; D 2–5

(horseman’s pick), 1–6 (short sword), or 1–4 (sling). <-1 damage>
<katzbalger, gladius, xiphos, xiphos>
<THACO 20>
<XP: 48>

The goblins focus on their work, but they notice anyone coming
and going outside the diggings. They attack any nongoblins except
for those escorted by Brubgrok or Glyrthiel. If fighting occurs
in area 46, the goblins hear the sounds and move to assist their
comrades after two rounds. The goblins in area 46 join any fight
here as described in area 46.
