46. Goblin Barracks

This chamber has no luminous fungi, leaving it dark. Characters

without infravision cannot see in here without supplemental
light. The embers in chamber’s fire pit shed light in a 5-foot radius <small fire?>
around the pit, revealing the scene below.

The walls spread out into a mostly lightless space. A few dying
embers from an ash-filled pit in the floor cast a red glow.
The ruddy light reveals several smoke-blackened tin pots lying
in heaps and a collection of metal skewers, some still wrapped
with charred meat, sticking out of the ash. The air is filled with
the sharp odors of burned food and unwashed bodies.

Nearly 50 goblins call this chamber home. Fortunately for the
PCs, no more than 10 are ever here at once. When
it’s daylight outside, 6 goblins sleep here while 4 more keep
watch. At night, only 4 goblins are here. The others are out
working the quarry or patrolling the area around it.

Goblins (4 or 10): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1–1; hp 3 <2> each; #AT 1; D 2–5

(horseman’s pick), 1–6 (short sword), or 1–4 (sling). <-1 damage>
<short sword, gladius, xiphos, baselard>
<cinquedea, katzbalger, model 1832 foot artillery sword, short sword, cinquedea, model 1832 foot artillery sword>

<THACO 20>
<XP, 4: 48>
<XP, 10: 120>

The goblins attack any nongoblins who enter the chamber except
for the <evil priests> or anyone accompanied by Brubgrok or
Glyrthiel. In the latter case, the goblins are uneasy and suspicious
because legitimate visitors to the quarry are seldom brought to this
room. In a fight, a few goblins try to pin down enemies with melee
attacks while the others use their slings or maneuver to the flanks.
If some of the goblins are asleep when trouble starts, it takes the
sleepers 2 rounds to awaken and gather their gear.

Noise from area 47 keeps the goblins from noticing what’s happening
elsewhere on this level, but they quickly hear any trouble
occuring in area 47. Goblins who are awake immediately join any
fight there, and sleeping goblins follow 2 rounds later.

The goblins keep their treasures hidden in clay pots buried in the
fire pit. 12 pots hold a total of 900 sp, 250 gp, and 23 quartz
crystals (worth 10 gp each).
<10, 10, 20>
<50, 50, 20, 20, 14, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 6, 5, 10>
<total quartz value: 235>
<total treasure XP: 575>
