66. Chamber of Killer Frogs
A bank of cloying fog fills the air in here. The vapor has a sulphurous
smell. A steady gurgling and splashing is audible somewhere
in the depths of the fog.

A natural warm spring fills the large, T-shaped pool in this chamber.
Vapor from the heated water creates fog that fills the whole
chamber, reducing visibility to 15 feet. <temperature = x>

The quarry’s <evil priests> have stocked the warm pool in here with a
colony of killer frogs, which serve as guardians and treats for the
mudtigers. Currently, 8 killer frogs bask in the water.

The small, round pool is full of cool water. <temperature?> The <priests> keep it stocked
with fish to feed the killer frogs and the mudtiger in area 64.

Killer Frogs (8): AC 8; MV 6”//12”; HD 1+4; hp 8 <7> each; #AT 3;
D 1–2/1–2/2–5. <-1 damage>
<THACO 16>
<XP 400 total>

The frogs leap out of the pool and attack the moment anyone
comes into sight; only the quarry’s troglodytes can approach