64. Mudtiger Breeding Pool
This large cavern smells of soot and fish. A few smoky oil lamps
set in the walls here and there cast feeble light over the chamber,
revealing a wide pool that is more or less centrally located. A
long-handled net, a few oars, and a very long pole with a clawlike
hook on one end lean against a wall just south of the pool.

The <evil priests> keep mudtigers in the pool, which currently holds
1very big specimen. 2 troglodytes always work in here, tending
the mudtiger. They use the net to scoop fish from the small pool
in area 66 to feed to the mudtiger. The oars and hooked pole are
for the boat in area 56.

Troglodytes (2): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9; #AT 1; D 2–5 and 1–8
(battle axe) or 1–6 (javelin); SA revulsion odor; SD camouflage,
surprise on a 1–4 on 1d6.
<THACO 16>
<XP 108>

The troglodytes notice any combat or disturbances in areas 57,
61, 63, and 66. They also spot any artificial light used in adjacent
caverns or passages. Once alerted, they warn the <evil priest> in
area 65, then prepare to ambush the intruders here.

The troglodytes try to keep their distance from the pool to avoid
shocks from the mudtiger.

Mudtiger: AC 6; MV 6”//12” (3”); HD 5; hp 20; #AT 1; D 2–8;
SA electric shock (D 2–12), magnetize; SD immune to electricity.

The mudtiger is particularly big and nasty. It leaps from the pool
and attacks at the first sign of trouble. It uses its shock power as
often as it can and bites when it cannot shock. The troglodytes’
stench power has no effect on it.

The <evil priest> in area 65 quickly notices any combat in here even if
the troglodytes do not warn him. For details on his tactics, see the
area 65 description.
