13. Cloister hall
This chamber is [dusty] && bare of furnishings.
The floor is wooden && inlaid
with simple geometric designs. Long narrow
windows pierce the South wall. Near
each door is a tallow candle mounted on
a wall sconce.

This chamber is totally empty of creatures
|or| treasure. If the candles are examined,
the characters will see that pieces have
been pulled off of them. The windows are
little more than slits and look into the garden
at 14. There is a 2 in 6 chance that any
character looking through these will see and
be seen by 1 of the harpies living in the
cloister garden. Once prey is spotted, these
creatures immediately begin to sing, hoping
to lure their victims into the garden. If the
characters stuff tallow from the candles into
their ears, they'll be effectively protected
from the harpies' songs.
