14. Cloister garden
Though choked with weeds and 
untended, this garden looks almost
pleasant. Bright flowers bloom in many
places - yellows, violets, reds, blues,
&& many other colors. A path goes
straight through the center to the door
on the other side and shows signs of
recent USE. The trees are blighted and
dying, twisted boles && bare branches.
Perched in the trees are 4 harpies.

The path through the garden is used by
the half-orcs to reach the buildings beyond
it. Near each door to the garden is a tallow
candle the orcs use to plug their ears. Whenever
anyone enters the garden, the harpies
will START to sing. If after a round the victims
show no reaction, the harpies stop and
ignore the party, considering them to have
business in this place. Should some of the
members proceed in the harpies' direction,
the creatures immediately swoop to the
attack. If 2 or more of their number are
killed, the survivors fly out of the garden
and do NOT return until their foes have left.

Harpies: AC 7; MV 6"/15": HD 3: hp
12, 16, 18, 21; #AT 3; D 1-3/1-3/1-6; singing
and touch charm).
XP 181 + 193 + 199 + 208 = 781
