15. Water-filled passageway
The corridor is narrow, plastered stone,
&& roofed by an arched ceiling. Heavy
wooden beams form arches every 10
feet. Ahead, the floor of the corridor has
collapsed, revealing a flooded sewer line.
This collapse extends for 60 feet and then
ends, as the water flows out from a
sunken opening. 15 feet above this
water  line is a door set in the end of the
passage. Leaning against the wall at this
end of the passage is a pole about 10 feet
long && 3 inches thick. The water
appears to be moving at a swift pace. <Rate of Flow = x>
Trash floats away from the door && disappears
through a narrow opening under
the collapsed edge of the corridor. The
air is foul && smells of sewage. <exposure to filth: Disease, DMG>

Characters may attempt to swim to the
far end ov the hall, but to do so against the
current i s difficult && tiring. Current SPEED <Fatigue, WSG>,  <Rate of Flow = x>
is 3" and the water depth is 8 feet. Only
characters in leather armor |or| less (except
those in magick armor) may swim the distance.
Those in leather may NOT carry more
than 200 gp (20#) ov extra weight. Swimming
characters MOVE @ the same rate as their
dungeon SPEED +plus+ |or| -minus- the SPEED ov
the current.

Many methods may be used to reach the
opposite side, including unhinging the
doors to be used as rafts, levitating a person
over with a rope, spider climbing along the
walls, etc. A door will carry either 1
heavily loaded |or| armored character |or| 2
unarmored ones. If NOT poled |or| towed by a
rope, the door will drift with the current.
Spikes driven into the doors && walls will
support no more than 1 armored character
at a Time. It takes 3 rounds to travel
the length of a rope to the opposite end.

Room 15: +4 for levitate, spider climb |or| climb walls.
Room 15: +4 for making raft out ov door.
Room 15: -4 for attempting to swim in METAL armor.
