3. Collapsed guard room

The wooden door to this room is charred
with several boards missing && other
planks obviously weakened. The handles.
hinges, and other METAL fittings are
1/2 melted, soundly jamming the door
shut. The room beyond, as seen through
the holes, is severely burned, its furnishings
buried && ruined beyond recognition.
The ceiling has collapsed for the
most part, revealing another chamber on
the 2nd floor. About 5 feet ov the ceil-
Ing still remains around the WALLS of the
room, forming a narrow, jagged ledge.
The floor is littered with beams, plaster,
ash, and unknown pieces of junk. The
air is filled with the odor ov rot.

The door cannot be forced open,
although 3 solid blows with a mace |or|
axe will knock an opening large enough for
a man to step through. Likewise, a character
in plate mail who throws his |or| her body
against the door will smash through immediately,
stumbling to the floor beyond (the
next round for that character must be spent
in recovering).

Hiding on the ledge above this room are
8 ghouls and 2 ghasts. When someone
enters the room, the ghouls and ghasts leap
from above, howling; they surprise a party
on a 1-4 (d6). Once a character has been paralyzed
by a ghoul |or| ghast, the monster continues
to attack that character &&
automatically hits unless distracted by <cf. ASSASSINATION TABLE>
someone else (i.e. attacked). Ghoul paralysis
lasts for 3-12 turns.

On the ledge of the room above are 6
500 gp gems && a potion ov fire resistance.
Peridot (100 gp), Aquamarine (500 gp), Peridot (450 gp),
Garnet (violet) (500 gp), Spinel (500 gp), Topaz (400 gp).
<Total gp value: 2450>

Ghouls: AC 6; MV 9"; HD 2; hp 8 each; #AT 3;
D 1-3/1-3/1-6; touch causes paralysis;
immune to sleep and charm spells
<THACO 16>
<XP 81x 8 = 648>

Ghasts: AC 4; MV 15"; HD 4; hp 24, 27;
#AT 3; D 1-4/1-4/1-8; touch causes
paralysis, stench causes save vs. poison
or be -2 on "to hit" rolls;
immune to sleep and charm spells
<THACO 15>
<XP 286 +  298 = 584>

Room 3: -4 for sending 1 character alone.
Room 3: -4 for attempting to USE  sleep spell.
Room 3: +4 for attempting to turn undead.