9. Inner Courtyard
This large courtyard contains mostly
[dust] && grass, although several large
trees grow @ 1 end. Near the edges ov
the yard are large blocks that have tumbled
from the walls of the temple && its
outbuildings. These ruined areas look
like they will provide adequate cover for
any man-sized creature who wishes to
hide in them.

Hidden in this pile of debris is a wight
who stalks this courtyard. The half-orcs
have managed to appease him through the
regular offerings of victims, whether they be
human, half-orc, orc, or otherwise, and the
<priest> of the temple has formed a shaky alliance <>
with the creature. Consequently, the
wight seldom roams outside the AREA ov this
courtyard. However, it considers any who
enter the AREA to be fair GAME. Should the
party be pursued into this AREA, their foes
will halt outside && prevent the party from
returning the way they came, hoping to
watch the sport. Hidden in the debris are
2,000 pennies, 1,000 ep, and a pair of gauntlets ov

Wight: AC5; MV 12"; HD4+4; hp 27; #AT
1; D 1-4 plus energy drain: silver |or| magickal
weapons needed to hit
XP 675
