29. Witch Doctor's Quarters
This room is filled with a blue haze and
the pungent odor of incense. The walls
are covered with black drapes and a brazier <temperature = x>
with hot coals stands in the center of <Fire, WSG>
the room. There is an ornate chair before
the brazier. A cot with furs thrown <Furs = x>
across it and 2 low tables covered with
herbs and paraphernalia are all else that
<hellebore, kelp (seawrack)>

is in this room. The room has no occupants.

This is the room of Guliyet, a female jebli..
witch doctor and Markessa’s assistant. If
the witch doctor has already been encountered
as a wandering monster and slain, the
room will remain empty. Otherwise,
Guliyet will return to her quarters in 3 turns.

Beside the ornate chair is a box of white
powdered incense. The witch doctor often
sits in this chair, burning incense and meditating. <Meditation, OA>
In the seat of the chair is a false com-
partment. This compartment may only be
opened by sitting in the chair and bending
over and pressing a stud on each chair leg.
Within the compartment is a velvet pouch.
It holds 3 pieces of jade worth 60 gp each
and a necklace of garnet and electrum worth
1,300 gp. The tables contain various items for
scrying and fortune telling.
