7. Log Trap
This corridor slopes gradually upward to <slope = x>
the east for 50 feet, and then ends in a
wooden wall with a door set in the middle
of it.

In the center of this corridor is a covered
pit, 10 feet long, 7 1/2 feet wide, and 20 feet
deep, indistinguishable from the corridor
floor. The tracks on the floor and over the
pit show only that the AREA is often traveled,
for there is no dust on the floor over the pit.
The cover of the pit will fall open when the
1st person walks on it, dropping the character
20 feet into a 4-foot-deep pool of
water. The water will cushion the fall and
the character will only take 1d6 points of <Falling Damage, WSG>
damage. Heavy tapping of the floor with a
staff |or| bat will also cause the pit cover to
fall open. Once open, the cover will remain
open. The narrow ledges around the edges
of the pit are just wide enough to walk
across, but only if one goes slowly and carefully.

The door has a wooden face of a leering
jebli carved in it at chest height. The door
is trapped, but no trap may be detected
because the trigger is on the other side of the
door. A long chain stretches from the back
of the door to a board restraining a boarded
up alcove at the end of the corridor. The
wooden goblin face can be rotated to reveal
a large keyhole. With the right key this lock
may be turned, disconnecting the chain
from the door. Otherwise, once the door is
pulled open, the boards over the alcove collapse,
releasing a large pile of logs, each 9
feet long, to roll down the corridor. When
this happens read the following to the players:
Through the door comes the sound of
cracking and splintering wood and you
see the enormous pile of logs crashing
down the corridor, straight toward you.

Give the party 1 minute of real time to
say exactly what each character is going to
do. The logs smash through the false
wooden wall and continue rolling to crash
into the end of the corridor. Characters may
not run across the ledges to either side of the
pit to escape. If they attempt to, they fall
into the pit. If they take their time to maintain
their balance, they will be caught and
smashed by the logs, suffering 18 points of
damage, just as they reach the other side of
the pit. Those who choose to jump into the
pit take only 1d4 points of damage and the
logs roll right across the pit. Characters who
climb walls may also avoid the logs if they
save vs. Spells, otherwise they take 1/2
damage from the logs: 9 points.

If the trap is approached from the other
direction, the party will see the boarded up
alcove and the chain leading from the door
to the retaining wall. The logs are not visible.

The only way to deactivate the trap from
this side is to break the chain. Each charac-
ter is allowed 1 try at breaking it, and a
ruccessful bend bars roll means that the
chain is broken. Any attempt to break the
chain has a 1/3 chance of triggering
the trap (1-2 on d6).
