29. Orc Barracks
The room contains 4 double bunk
beds with 8 orcs..sleeping in them. 

4 of the orcs are supposed to be patrolling
the halls but they got bored and went
back to sleep. They will be surprised on 1-5.
The orcs snatch up their <long> swords to defend
themselves. If an alarm is raised, they take
1 round to don their armor before <ring mail + small shield>
answering the alarm. These orcs work for
Estelrath the slave..merchant, and do not <link>
care for the hobgoblins running this fort, so
they tend to be lax in their duty. They rush
to the aid of the armorer or his wife, because
one of the armorer’s assistants is a half-brother
to the sergeant. These orcs have a
total of 3 gp, 7 sp, and 31 cp.

8 Orcs (Euroz): AC 10 (6); MV 9”; HD 1; hp 5 each;
#AT 1: D 1-8 by long sword
XP 15 each
