32. Ogre’s Quarters

When this door is opened the party sees a
<round> table set with <watered> wine and cheese. 
Along the

back wall is a large bed. Over it hangs a
heavy <long> bow and a quiver of <20> arrows.
If the Executioner is present, they also see a large,
brutish man lovingly polishing a <bastard> sword. He
wears a fine, black chain mail and black
hood with eyeholes, like an executioner’s
mask. He looks up and smiles, welcoming
the new mercenaries and invites them to
come in and sit down, while he discusses
their new duties.

The Executioner (see NPC Leader Placement)
flips the <round> table over on anyone stupid
enough to sit down (stunning them for 1
round). He will then attack fallen adventurers
at +4 to hit, and call for help.

There is nothing of value in his room.
Only a character with Strength 18 can bend
the bow, but it allows the user to add his or
her Strength bonus to damage caused by
arrows fired from this bow.